Why? (A) [Requested]

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Trigger Warning : Self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide

Thanks for the request. I liked writing this. Hope you enjoy!

Event: Angst
Top: Lance
Bottom: Keith
AU: Suicidal Keith
Kinks: None


(Keith's POV)

I laid in bed, panting heavily. Warm arms wrapped around my waist. Lance pulled me closer to his chest. Lance's barely open eyes interlocked with mine. I thought about the events which had just taken place. I remembered everything Lance told me but there was something missing.

Every time Lance and I would have sex it would always feel amazing. Lance was skilled with his hands and would always know how to make me nearly explode with pleasure. However, there was something missing. A few words that would change everything. Lance told me he liked having sex with me... but he never told me he loved me. Today was the day I would tell him how I felt. I loved Lance and I was for sure he felt the same.

I looked into Lance's eyes. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Lance?" Lance's eyes widened a bit when he heard my voice. He looked tired so I decided to make this quick

"What? What is it, Keith?" Lance asked sleepily. I took a deep breath and looked into Lance's eyes.

"I love you," I said. Lance's eyes widened. His arms left my waist and slightly pushed me away.

"Woah Keith, don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself?" I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Lance got out of bed and started putting on his clothes. I sat up, hoping for Lance to explain.

"I mean, those are pretty powerful words, Keith. I'm not sure if you should say something like that. Hell, we're not even in a relationship. We're just friends with benefits, you know?" My heart shattered. Friends with benefits? Lance looked at me uncomfortably as I stared at nothing, hoping this was all just a bad dream.

"But I thought..." I didn't finish my sentence. Lance didn't love me.

"But you said you like having sex with me... Hunk said he's never seen you happier in your life when you're with me... Allura and Shiro agreed that you look at me with this look that seems like you love me... Pidge said that you talk about me non-stop..." Tears started rolling down my cheeks. I was so confused. The team had all said Lance was most defiantly in love with me.

"Well, I'm sorry Keith... I need to go do something... Bye" With that, he left. I cried. I cried harder than I had ever cried before in my life.

"I'm so stupid. Of course Lance doesn't love me. We're just friends... Friends with benefits. Lance only has sex with me so he can get off. I'm nothing to him. I'm worthless. I'm so stupid." I thought as I cried. I quickly got out of bed and started getting dressed. After I got dressed, I stumbled to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I looked at myself, hating my reflection. My eyes were red. Tears dropped from them to my stained cheeks.

I grabbed my knife from its holster. I pulled up my sleeve and looked at my arm. My arm was littered with scars from years earlier. I told myself I would never do it again, but it hurt too much. I slid the knife over my wrist and watched the blood ooze from the cut. I made several more until my arm was stained with blood. It stung, a lot. I grabbed a damp cloth and placed it on my arm. It didn't help. In fact, it made it worse. I didn't know what else to do to make the pain go away. I looked at the sink and saw a bottle of medication. I grabbed the bottle and opened it. Without reading the label, I tossed a small handful of pills down my throat, swallowing then dry. I grasped my throat, hoping the pain would cease.

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