I'm Sorry (A)

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Lance stormed towards Keith. He had been reckless on their last mission. He always had been, but this time he'd gone too far.

"Keith! What the hell were you thinking!? What's wrong with you!! Honestly!! Are you mad?! Those stupid moves of yours could have cost us the mission!" Lance shrieked.

"Lance I'm so-"

"No Keith, I don't think you are! Typical Keith, only worried about himself! There are others who fight this war, you know that right?! This isn't all about you!" Shiro grabbed Lance's shoulder, taking the opportunity to step in and stop Lance.

"Lance maybe you should st-"

"No Shiro! He always does this! He only cares about himself, but I guess that's what he's used to! It's not like he has any family to go back to! He doesn't realize that we actually have places to go when we get back and we want to get there in one piece!" Lance stood close to Keith, making the few inches he had on Keith very prominent. Keith normally would have blushed, but this time, tears came to his eyes as his body shook.

"He doesn't have anyone to go back to, because so one wants him! He's reckless and close-minded because he doesn't see that some of us actually want to go back! Isn't that right Keith! You're too busy being a galra screw up and a self-centered prick that you don't realize that you aren't the only one fighting this war!" Tears ran down from Keith's eyes as he fell to the floor, backing away from Lance.

It was only then that Lance had realized everything he'd said. He tried to apologize, but every time he got close, Keith backed away.

"I-I'm sorry L-Lance. I-I never meant to h-hurt you or anyone else. I'm s-sorry." Keith cried. Lance tried to apologize, but Keith only pushed him away and cried.

"Stay away from me! I-I'll hurt you! I'm galra! I'm dangerous and reckless! I'm sorry!" Keith sobbed as he pushed himself to his feet. He ran past the group and ran from the room. As the doors slid shut behind him, the group turned to give Lance disgusted and disappointed looks.

Lance was ashamed of himself. He'd known how sensitive Keith was about his galra heritage and he'd still brought it up. He couldn't believe himself.


Keith and Lance hadn't spoken since that day. In fact, no one had seen much of Keith since that day. When he wasn't training or fighting, he spent his time in his room, doing who knows what.

Everyone was tired of it, Lance more than anyone. He felt awful, but no matter what he did, he never got the opportunity to apologize. Whenever he tried, Keith would flinch or run away, it deeply bothered Lance.

The team began to fall apart. Everything was different now. Allura and Shiro had decided that a vacation was in order, and hoped it could release some tension on the group. They'd decided to spend that time on Zephugawa, a planet well known for its warm climate, sandy beaches, and cheerful natives. It was perfect for a vacation.

They'd be spending their time on the planet in a small house built by that natives for visitors. It was explaining to the group that everyone would need to share rooms, two in each room. Though most of the group was excited, Keith was upset. He offered to stay on the ship, but Allura refused.

Once everything was decided, partners were assigned. Pidge and Hunk, Allura and Shiro, Coran and the mice, Lance and Keith. Keith tensed as he heard his name, furthermore as he heard Lance's. Anxiety rose within him as he moved to his room.

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