Yes Sir! (F)

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3rd person POV

Keith stood stiffly outside the large doors he was ordered to guard. He wasn't sure who, or what, was hidden in the room, but Keith had been ordered not to let anyone in or out of the room.

His large purple ears twitched as the sound of breaking glass erupted from behind the closed doors. Keith made the split-second decision to burst through the doors. He gasped as he looked around the mysterious room. Sitting in an open window, was a fairly skinny boy with pale, wispy hair dressed in elegant blue cloths. A deep cloth covered most of his tall body. Keith blushed. The boy was absolutely stunning.

"Oh, so you're the new guard? Let me guess, don't let anyone in or out, am I right?" Though his tone was irritably sassy, the male's voice was the most alluring Keith had ever heard.

"Y-Yes sir, " was all Keith could muster. He was confused by the lump in his throat, not understanding why he suddenly was unable to think straight.

"Well, I guess you're kind of cute?" Keith blinked, "Are you just going to stand there, come on!"

The boy leaned further out the window. Keith, with his quick reflexes, leaped forward. The cracking of the broken vase underneath him sounded as he grasped the boy's thin wrist.

"What on Altea do you think you're doing?! You could have knocked me off!" The boy shrieked.

"You can't leave! Wait, who are you? Why are you being held here?" The boy's eyes widened. Keith continued to hold his wrist tightly. The expensive silver bracelet on his wrist cutting into Keith's pale purple skin.

"You... You don't know who I am?" Keith shook his head. A grin widened on the boy's face. He grabbed Keith's other wrist, pulling him out the window. Lance yelled with joy as they slid down a slick rock outside the window, Keith however, shrieked in fear. He'd never done anything so rebellious in his life.

They reached the grassy floor, the free-spirited boy pulled Keith towards the bright city. Keith remembered. The Altean Juniberry Festival.

"S-Sir! Slow down! Wait!" Keith protested.

"Oh come on! It will be fun!" Keith had no choice but to let the charming stranger pull him towards the market.  They stopped at the edge of a stand so the boy could pull a hood over his pale hair. He gripped Keith's hand once again and pulled Keith into the busy crowd.

As the hours passed, Keith started to enjoy the festival and enjoy the company of the handsome stranger. At the end of the night, Keith found himself on top of a roof, sitting close to the male hed spent the afternoon with. As fireworks lit up the sky, Keith stared at the vibrant colors exploding in the dark night sky.

Keith was so focused on the sky, he didn't flinch when a warm hand found itself on his right hip. Keith did, however, look over at the man he was sitting next to, smiling warmly and leaning his head on their shoulder.

Keith was small for a Galra soldier, but he never felt shorter than he did in that moment, leaning on the boy's shoulder, purring softly.

"Who are you? What's your name?" Keith purred, nuzzling into the tan boy's neck.

"Lance," The boy said. Keith pulled away as his eyes widened at the realization.

"Lance? Like Prince Lance?! You're the prince!! Oh no! You need to get back to the castle! I'm so dead! C'mon, we need to go!" Keith made a move to leave which ended in him being pulled back towards Lance. Keith blushed, finally realizing how close they were. Lance smiled, making Keith blush even more.

"It's fine, they won't notice I'm gone" Lance reasoned with Keith. Keith looked up at Lance, unsure if he should trust the rebellious prince.

"But still, I'm your guard. I have to get you back to the castle before-"

"Keith" Lance interrupted him, "It's okay, really."

Lance's soft smile calmed Keith. He rested his head on Lance's shoulder once again, purring uncontrollably as they watched the fireworks.

"Why are you so rebellious?" Keith asked, breaking the silence between the two. Lance took a while to answer. Keith looked up at him. His face was solemn, grim, almost painful.

"My father... he's...controlling, at the best of times. I'm like a prisoner in my own home. Like you were ordered, no one in or out... I'm stuck." Keith felt bad for the prince. He was never good at comforting others, but he tried.

Keith wrapped his gloved hands around Lance, pulling the prince into a tight hug. Lance gasped, not expecting the sudden act. Once overcoming his surprise, Lance hugged Keith back, their warmth making the spring air feel cold.

Lance pulled away, looking into Keith's violet eyes. Keith notices how close they were. He blushed, turning away and pulling himself from Lance's embrace.

"Keith?" Lance pulled him back and made the smaller male look at him, "Is everything alright?"

Keith nodded, not trusting himself with words. Lance looked at Keith for a little longer, admiring his elegant features. Lance found himself leaning in slightly, Keith doing the same.

The galra caught himself though, pushing Lance's chest back to stop him. The Altean prince didn't take no for an answer, overpowering the flustered galra, leaning in and connecting their lips in a passionate kiss. Keith fought back, pushing and yelping as Lance's hands combed through his long hair.

Keith began to enjoy the kiss. For someone with few past relationships, Lance was an extremely good kisser. His lips tasted of altean juniberries, a taste Keith couldn't possibly resist.

Keith kissed Lance back just as the handsome altean pulled away for air. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance, hugging the male closely as the last of the fireworks lit up the night sky.

"This has been really fun" Keith whispered, nuzzling lance neck once again. Lance held Keith's waist tightly and looked down at the small male.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun spending time with you" Keith looked up at lance, seeing a deep thought growing in his ocean eyes.

"What is it? What's the matter?" Keith asked, worried about Lance.

"I just... I've never felt this way before, about anyone. You're different Keith, you're special. I never want to let you go, and I've only known you for a few vargas. It's crazy." Keith looked at Lance, smiling warmly, he knew exactly how lance gelt.

"Is it really?"


"Is it really that crazy... to be in love with someone you've only known a short while?" Keith asked. Lance looked at Keith, feeling confused, but happy at the same time.

"I guess it isn't. I guess this... us... We're meant to be. So... Keith, will you be my boyfriend?" Keith smiled, hugging lance tightly.

"Of course my prince" Keith couldn't have smiled any wider. Lance, however, smirked playfully.

"If I'm your prince, does that make you my princess?" Lance teased. Keith pushed lance away playfully.

"You ruined it! We were bonding! You stupid prince!" Keith laughed. Lance laughed with him, playing with Keith's hair, messing it up. Keith did the same, laughing as he did. The two couldn't be more made for each other.


Hiya! How are you guys doing? I hope this chapter is okay enough 🤣 I love Galtean Klance, so this was a lot of fun to write. Thank you all for reading 💜 I love you guys so much!


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