Desperation (F)

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(Lance's POV)

Alarms blared as Allura's voice echoed through the castle loudly. Lights flashed violently.

"Palidans! Get to your lions now! We're under attack." We all suited up and rushed to our hangers. We took off in our lions. We were met with an entire fleet of Zarkons small fighter ships and a few huge cannon ships. (can't remember what they're called 😅 sorry)

"Okay team, nothing we haven't fought before" Shiro's voice called over the intercom.

We all started fighting off the small ships while Allura and Coran managed to do damage to the massive cannon ships.

I blasted a few nearby ships but they broke loose. I heard the team groan.

"Get your head in the game, Lance! It's not that hard" Keith's voice rang in my ear. I fired another shot. I missed by a mile.

"C'mon Lance, that was an easy shot" Pidge scolded me.

"Why can't I do anything right?" I thought, "Why am I such a horrible Palidan?"

"Because you aren't cut out to be one, Blue Palidain" A voice rang through my head.

"W-What? Who are you?" I thought.

"It doesn't matter Blue Palidan. All that matters is that I can make you stronger. You'll finally be worth something." The voice hissed. I pulled my hands off the control handles and placed them on my ears, hoping the voice would go away.

"N-No! Y-You're that witch, aren't you? You're Zarkon's witch! I won't listen to you!" I retorted.

"Very good Blue Palidan. It is a shame that you fight so valiantly, only to be destined to give in. I know you want to be a better Palidan. I am your only option." I shut my eyes tight. I wanted her voice to go away.

"Get out of my head!!" I yelled.

"Lance? Are you alright?" Allura asked through the intercom.

"It's Zarkon's witch! She won't get out of my head!" I yelled, my head pounding.

"Keith, cover Lance, don't let him give in," Shiro told Keith.

"On it," Keith said. After a few ticks, the red lion appeared in my view. He expertly shot down all the ships I had struggled to detain. I felt a sting of jealousy run up my spine.

"He's always been better than you, Blue Palidan. I can give you the strength to overpower him. No one will question your abilities ever again. What do you say, Blue Paladin?"

"NO! Get out of my head! Leave me alone, Witch!" I yelled. The voice scoffed.

"Give in Palidan! You will never be able to overpower me!" My ears rang loudly.

"NO!!" Just like that, everything went black.

(Keith POV)

"NO!!" I looked back at the blue lion. It flew straight towards a Galra ship. I was confused as it landed on the surface of the ship without any of the fighter ships attacking it. The lion opened its mouth and Lance jumped out. The lion's mouth closed the lion shut off.

"Lance! Get to your lion, you'll die out there!" I yelled. Lance simply chuckled.

"Oh Keith," His voice was different. It was harsh and cruel.

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