Your Bite (S)

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(3rd person POV)

Keith carried a ton of papers and folders to his bosses office. He had been working for Lance McClain, the richest man in the whole city, for nearly a year now and he has noticed certain things about his boss that not a lot of others did. Sure, he was Mr. McClain's secretary and spent most of his time with him, but he still thought other employees would have noticed at least some of the things he did.

When he had first met Mr. McClain, he had thought he was charming and good looking but as he worked with him, he noticed that he never ate much and he didn't seem to need coffee or drinks like most business men asked for. He thought it was strange for a few weeks until one day.

Mr. McClain was meeting with his friend and business partner, Hunk Garret. They met every day, no one knew why. Keith had entered the room after getting a phone call from a large company hoping to merge with Mr. McClain's. Keith was startled to see Mr. McClain, biting into Hunk's neck. He seemed to be sucking his blood. Keith quickly shut the door and rushed back to his desk, only a few doors away from Mr. McClain's office. Hunk rushed down the hallway, seconds later, not looking at Keith.

After seeing that, it all made sense. Lance McClain was a vampire! Keith had never been more scared in his life. He worked for an actual vampire.

"That explains why he's so hot!" Keith blushed at the thought.

"Kogane!" Keith jumped at the voice, recognizing it immediately. Keith looked over and saw his boss a few feet away from his small desk. Mr. McClain beckoned Keith to follow him. Keith gulped, his throat so dry it hurt. He followed Mr. McClain into his office, stopping just in front of the large desk. Mr. McClain locked the door, and sat down at his desk.

"Well?" Mr. McClain said harshly. He gestured to the seat behind Keith.

"Sit down" Keith did as told, not looking at his boss. Keith and Mr. McClain sat in silence for a few seconds, Keith not looking at his boss even for a second.

"Keith, look at me" Mr. McClain's voice piercing the silence. Keith struggled to look up out of fear.

"I-I'm s-sorry, I s-shouldn't have b-barged i-in on y-you." Keith stuttered. Mr. McClain found the boys shy personality cute. He rose from his desk and walked over to Keith, stopping in front of him.

"I'm sorry you had to see that darling" He said, stroking a lock of Keith's hair behind his ear. A deep blush spread across Keith's face.

"I-I should g-get back t-to work!" Keith said, standing up and marching towards the door. Suddenly, a strong grip attached itself to his hand, pulling him close to the man he worked for. The two stumbled backwards. They landed in Mr. McClain's large office chair, Keith's legs straddling his bosses lap. Keith gasped as the larger man's palm massaged his hips.

"Well this is unexpected" Mr. McClain said jokingly. Keith didn't find the joke amusing. He shifted on his bosses lap, causing friction he hadn't meant to cause. Keith stopped when he heard the man underneath him groan.

"D-Did that feel... good?" Keith asked, confused by the groan that had left his bosses lips. His boss simply smirked, Mr. McClain's grip on his hip tightening.

"I n-need to go!" Keith said, trying to get up. Mr. McClain grabbed his hips and forced him to grind on his lap. Keith involuntary moaned.

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