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3rd Person POV

Keith stood eagerly, staring out amongst the sea of soldiers being reunited with their families. He saw mothers introducing their children to their fathers. Wives jumping into their husband's arms with tears streaming down their cheeks. Families reuniting with their long-missed loved ones. 

All this joy and happiness surrounding him, made Keith feel alone in the huge crowd. He watched as soldiers continued to stream into the large hall, looking for their families and friends that had come to welcome them home. Keith however, didn't recognize any of them. 

Keith's older brother, Takashi Shirogane, and boyfriend, Lance McClain, had been deployed nearly seven months earlier. 

"Keith? Is that you?" Keith turned around as quickly as he could, almost giving himself whiplash. 

"Oh, hey Adam..." Keith said to his brother's husband. Shiro and Adam had been married for about a year, though they'd known each other for their whole lives. It killed them to be away from each other, but they both understood the separation. Similar to Lance and Keith.

"Everything alright Keith?" Adam asked. Keith didn't answer, instead, he desperately watched more soldiers pack into the hall. Keith found himself biting his nails, which Adam took notice to. Adam pulled Keith's hand away from his mouth.

"Keith, you're upset, what's wrong?" Adam stepped in front of Keith and made the younger male look at him. Adam had always been a father figure to Keith, so he knew how to get him talking.

"I just... What if he isn't coming? What if he wasn't brought back? What if he... What if he's..." Keith shook as he couldn't bear to finish. Lance was the only person outside of his family that had brought down the heavy walls he built. He couldn't stand the thought of living without him. Tears started to form in his eyes and roll down his cheeks. 

"Keith, hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be fine. There are still plenty of people coming. He's in there somewhere, you just need to wa-"

"Adam?" Adam and Keith looked to see a large male in a military uniform. They both smiled as the man dropped his duffle bags and held his arms out for a hug. 

"Takashi!" Adam flung into Shiro's arms, wrapping his arms around Shiro's neck. Shiro lifted his husband into his arms and spun him around.

Keith was happy for the couple, but he couldn't help but feel his heart breaking as he watched them. Keith looked down and turned, preparing to leave the room. Someone stopped him. Their hands gripped his waist and held him against their body.

"Get your hands off of me you pervert!!" Keith shrieked, throwing his elbow back and hitting the person in their eye. 

"Ow!!" Keith turned around to look at the person who had grabbed him. He gasped as he watched the tall male place a large, tan hand over his right eye. The male was dressed in the same green camouflage uniform that all the marines wore. Keith recognized it immediately, hands clasping over his open mouth as he stared at the marine. 

"Damn Keith, I didn't think that was the welcome I was going to get" Their voice pierced Keith's soul as he felt his heart pounding in his chest. 

"Lance...?" was all Keith could get to come out of the gaping mouth behind his hands. 

"Who did you expect Baby?" Lance asked, pulling his hand away from his already swelling eye, "Damn, I think you gave me a black eye. You always did have one hell of a swing-" 

"Lance!!" Keith jumped into Lance's arms, wrapping his legs around Lance's hips as his arms flung around the marine's neck. The two fell back onto the floor, Lance's arms wrapping around Keith, almost as an attempt to shield him from falling. 

"Jeez Babe, that was-"

"God I missed you so much!" Keith cried into Lance's uniformed chest. Lance smiled sweetly and kissed Keith's head, making the smaller male look at him. 

"I missed you too," Lance smiled. Keith smiled back. The moment was interrupted by giggles and laughs erupting from behind them. The couple looked up at the group of people that had collected. Both of their families and friends had formed a circle around them, laughing happily as they watched the boy's touching reunion. 

Keith sat up, looking curiously at the people surrounding him as he made himself comfortable in Lance's lap. Lance was propped up on his elbows, watching Keith's cute, kitten-like expression as he looked around them. 

Adam took a few steps towards the couple, handing Lance a bouquet of roses. Keith looked closer at the bouquet and realized the flowers were bright purple with smaller red and blue flowers scattered around them. It was easily the most beautiful arrangement he'd ever seen. Lance thanked him and took the roses.

“Keith, you have no idea how much I've missed you. I thought about you every day. I never let your beautiful face out of my mind. I love you so much, Baby.” Lance held the bouquet out for Keith. 

Keith took the flowers and wiped the tears from his eyes. Lance pulled his boyfriend into a warm embrace and kissed the boy's forehead. 

“Thank you, Lance, this means so much to me. I love you too… so much” Keith held the roses so they wouldn't be crushed as he pushed himself up onto his toes and kissed Lance for the first time in seven months. The kiss felt like heaven for the boys. They'd missed each other from the moment Lance left. 

Lance's arms wrapped warmly around the shorter boy's waist as he held his boyfriend close, never wanting the boy to leave his grasp. When they pulled away, Lance made a noticeable effort to keep them close. Keith giggled at this. Lance smiled, pecking Keith's reddened lips. 

"Get a room you two!" Pidge interrupted them, the group surrounding the couple bursting into fits of untamed laughter as she did. The couple blushed but stayed close. 

"Pidge!!!" They simultaneously scolded the younger female.


I finally updated! 😂 sorry, it's been so long. I'm trying to update more, I swear. I hope you all are doing wonderful and I love hearing from all you amazing people. You're all amazing! I love you!! 😘😘


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