Merry Christmas Babe! (F) *Christmas Special*

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(Lance's POV)

"Merry Christmas Lance! Merry Christmas Keith!" Pidge called from across the room. It was out first Christmas after getting back from space. Keith held my hand as we made our way through the small party Pidge, Hunk and I had planned. We waved to Pidge and made our way to the refreshments. Just grabbed two drinks and a candy care for Keith. I handed Keith his drink and popped the end of the candy cane into his mouth.

I laughed. Keith looked at me, slightly angry, then laughed with me. I happily sipped my drink as I sat on the couch next to Keith.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, bringing it to my face and kissed the back of his hand. Keith and I had been dating for nearly a year. Keith never got much attention as a kid and I decided that as his boyfriend, I would show him as much love and affection as I could.

"Merry Christmas Baby" I said. Keith smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Merry Christmas Darling" I pulled Keith close to me, pulling his drink out of his hand. I put it on the small coffee table and pulled Keith close. I kissed all over the boys face, kissing his nose, his forehead, his cheeks, his galra marking. Keith laughed.

"Lance!" Keith laughed as he tried to push me away playfully.

"C'mon baby, let me kiss you" I said as Keith kissed his cheek.

"Darling, people are staring. Stop it" he laughs. I finally comply and pull away from him, giving him one last kiss in the cheek.

"I'll just have to get you under the mistletoe later" I say with a smirk.

"Sure, Loverboy" Keith chuckled. I handed Keith his drink before wrapping my arm over his shoulders.

After an hour, a slow song played. I grabbed Keith's hand down and jumped up, pulling Keith into the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his waist and guided him around the dance floor, swaying softly to the music. Keith burrows his head into my chest and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"You're so beautiful" I say without thinking. I tense up as I realize what I said. Keith looked up at me with a shocked expression. I had never called him beautiful before.

"I-I um... I mean..." Keith looked up at me still. I didn't know what to do. Keith, reached up and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"And you're so handsome" Keith says after breaking the kiss.

"Keith... Babe, can I show you something?" I ask. Keith's smile faded. He nods. I grabbed his hand and lead him away from the party.

"Put on your jacket babe, its gonna get chilly tonight" I said as I handed Keith his coat, putting mine on as well.

We hustled out of the house and into the small group of large trees behind the property. I let go of Keith's hand and let him explore his surroundings a bit.

I see a small gremlin poke out from one on the trees. I send her a thumbs up and she smiled widely. She plugged two power cords together and the branches of the trees that would be full of leaves in the spring lit up brightly. Hundreds of fairy light covered the branches as soft snow fell from the sky.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I put my hand in my pocket and found what I was looking for.

"Lance, this is so beautiful. Where did you find the time to-" he gasped. He had turned around to see me, crouched down in the snow, on one knee. I took a deep breath.

"Keith, the love of my life, I can't imagine my life without you. This past year has been the best one of my life, simply because I got to spend it with you. You light up my whole universe and I can't imagine spending a second without you. For that reason..." I reached onto my pocket and pulled out a small box. I opened the box to reveal the engagement ring I had gotten especially for Keith.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you become Mr, Keith McClain and marry me, making me the happiest man to ever live?" I asked. Keith's eyes streamed with tears. I could tell Keith's knees were becoming weak. Keith fell to his knees in front of me.

"It's okay baby, you don't have to say yes. I know this is fast. I'll wait for you, as long as it takes. We can take it slo-"

"Shut up!" Keith yelled. I was startled.

"W-What?" I asked, a bit scared of his reaction. Keith grabbed my jacket and pulled me into a bruising kiss. Keith pushed his tongue into my mouth and wouldn't let me pull away.

"Keith wait! What are yo- MHH!!" Keith kissed me again. Keith pushed me onto the ground and straddled my hips. He broke the kiss and yelled at me.

"Shut up and kiss me you dumbass. Of course I'll marry you Lance. I love you so much. Now put that beautiful ring on my finger and kiss me!" Keith demanded. I was so happy. I took Keith's hand and slid the ring onto his finger. It fit perfectly. We got to our feet and Keith stared at me impatiently.

I grabbed Keith's waist and pulled him into a tight, loving kiss. He kissed me back immediately. We continued to kiss passionately for a few ticks before we heard claps from behind us. I broke the kiss and looked behind me. The whole team stood there, clapping.

"That was so beautiful!!" Hunk cried. The team surrounded us with congratulations. Hunk pulled me and Keith into a bone crushing hug. Pidge hugged me hips and didn't let go. Shiro shook our hands. Coran and Allura swooned over Keith's ring.

"I can't wait." I said, hugging Keith's waist, kissing his cheek lightly.

"Merry Christmas Darling" Keith said.

"Merry Christmas mi amor" I said. I watched Keith gape up at the light one final time, taking in their beauty as I took in his.


Hiya! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Joyful Kwanzaa! Whatever holiday you celebrate, have a very happy holiday.


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