Happy Birthday Lance! (S) +VLD B-DAY Special+

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*My art* Older Klance AU
NOT relevant to this AU, but I just thought I'd share it.
IDK... Okay, I'm done talking now, enjoy!

3rd Person POV

Lance's birthday was amazing. His friends had thrown him a wonderful party, he'd gotten so many gifts, mostly earth related, and so much more. But it still didn't feel right. There was something missing. And Lance knew exactly what that something was.


The feisty, half-galra leader had captured Lance's heart from the moment he set his eyes on him. Lance had never been good at showing his feelings. Sure, he was Lancey-Lance, the Loverboy of Voltron, but all the flirting, all the showing off, it wasn't for the girls, it was for Keith.

Lance had felt a sting of hurt in his heart when Keith didn't make an appearance at his party. Sure, they didn't start off in the beat terms, but he'd thought things were getting better. Maybe he thought wrong.

He spent most of his party trying to distract himself from the Keith shaped absence in his heart. He spent the hours of the party dancing, talking and thanking everyone for the gifts.

Time passed and the distractions began to work less and less. All Lance could think of was Keith's absence. As the party died down, Lance sat at a table with Hunk,  drinking some punch, pouting helplessly.

"I just was to grab him and kiss his stupid, kissable face. Is that too much to ask?!" Lance whiled, resting his forehead on the table pathetically.

"For Keith? Oh yeah" Hunk laughed, taking a sip of punch, "You know the guy Lance, there's no way he'd just let you kiss him."

"What's up losers?" Pidge sat down with them, noticing Lance pouting. Pidge had shown up to the party almost an hour late, and she refused to tell anyone why.

"Keith again?" Pidge asked, almost mocking Lance's distress.

"Mhm," Lance hummed, “I just want to grab him and make him mine. I want to kiss his stupid face and make him my boyfriend and be with him forever.” Lance whined. The two others exchanged looks before looking back at lance.

“Dang, you have it deep man,” Hunk said comfortingly. He encouraged lance to drink a bit more, hoping it would help.

“Honestly! Why don't you just grab him and bang him already?” Lance choked on his drink, nearly spitting it out of his mouth. Pidge laughed hysterically at his reaction.

“Pidge! Why would you say that?!” Lance yelled, standing up from his chair as he did so. Lance couldn't help it as his cheeks turned red at the thought of being intimate with Keith. Pidge took a deep breath, gathering herself to continue the conversation. 

“Well, you want to, don't you?” Lance sat back down in his seat, sulking back into the chair. He shrugged, looking away as the deep red on his cheeks dissipated into a soft pink.

“I mean… I guess I do… oh, what am I saying, of course, I do! He's so perfect! How can I not want to?” Pidge smirked, grabbing Lance’s wrist, pulling him towards the door. Lance resisted but found himself being pulled away by the shorter female.

“Pidge! What are you doing?!” Pidge didn't answer him as she pulled him towards his bedroom. Lance continued to resist but he couldn't deny the curiosity rising in his chest. What could possibly be so important that Pidge had to pull him away from his own party?

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