Two Sides of a Different World (F)

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Lance pushed a large branch out of his eyes as he nearly tripped on an elevated root that poked out of the ground. He growled and swatted away a large bug flying around his face. The young werewolf had never liked the woods at the edge of his village but braved them for a soul greater than his own.

The werewolves and vampires had once lived in unity, but that was 325 years ago. Now, the two species were separated by more than the thick woods that covered nearly five miles between their territories. The once strong allies were at war. Citizens were banned from mingling with the other species.

As Lance pushed into a small clearing, he glanced up at the bright moon in the sky. The day before a full moon. Lance was terrified for what the next day would bring. Even with the wolfsbane, his parents farmed, the fears and insecurities of his monstrous form scared him more than death.

Lance sat down in a patch of grass, staring up at the sparkling sky. The dazzling night sky brought him some comfort, connecting stars to bring the forms he imagined to life.

The sound of a stick breaking ripped through the quiet night. Lance jumped to his feet, nails sharpening, ears fidgeting in all directions, tail swinging territorially.

Lance took a step towards the edge of the grassy ground beneath him, trying to look over the thick bushes. A low growl rang from his throat as he brought his hands up protectively in front of himself.

"Who's there?! Come out and face me, coward!" Lance growled. When he did, a single bat flung into the sky from the bush, it's midnight color making it near impossible to be seen in the dark night sky. Lance sighed as an uncontrollable smile painted itself on his tan face.

"Keith~!" Lance whined playfully. The bat skydived towards the ground a few feet away from Lance. Before it hit the ground, the small black creature transformed into the short, raven-haired boy. Keith placed a gloved hand in his hip, smirking playfully at the younger werewolf.

"Coward, huh?" Lance laughed and walked over to the shorter boy.

"Oh shut up" Lance whined playfully as he pulled Keith into a tight embrace. Keith hugged Lance back, enjoying the warmth emitting from his body.

Keith was different from the other vampires in his village. He was a half breed. His father was a vampire but his mother, a werewolf. He was lucky in the sense that he looked more like his father than his mother. No one knew of his race. No one, except for Lance.

As the boys pulled away, Lance took notice of what the boy was wearing. A black, leather crop top jacket over a dark red undershirt. His ripped, black jeans were held tightly to his waist by his dark belt. The short black boots around his ankles tied the outfit all together.

"Going for emo again this time? Do you own anything that's not black or dark red?" Lance teased. Keith scoffed, rolling his eyes at Lance's remark.

"Do you own anything that's not blue shirts or blue jeans?" Keith recanted, crossing his arms and pouting slightly. Lance laughed, throwing his hands up in a playful surrender.

"Okay, okay, you win," Lance's voice dropped to a near whisper, "this time."

Keith ruffled Lance's already messy brunette hair, laughing as Lance's long, fluffy bangs fell over his eyes. Lance blew his bangs back into place, laughing as he decided that it was Keith's turn.

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