Omegaverse (S)

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Ok so... Another klance smut. You've been warned. You're welcome. This is going to be an omegaverse AU. Keith is an omega and Lance is an Alpha. I have been planning to do an omegaverse AU for a while so...yeah. Here it goes. Hope you enjoy.

⚠⚠ This chapter will contain smut. To those who are uncomfortable with this content, please skip. You have been warned.


(Keith's POV)

I was in the training room when I looked over my shoulder for a quick second and saw Lance. I lost my focus and the training bot kicked me in the side.

"End training sequence," I said before the bot could hit me again. I walked over to Lance and sat next to him.

"What are you doing here Lance?" I asked. He looked down and mumbled something. I asked him what he said and he said that he was going to train once I had finished. With that, he got up and started a training sequence. I sighed and left the training room. Of course, he wasn't there for me. Lance hated me. He thought we were rivals. I walk back to my room and sit on my bed. I eventually fall asleep, missing dinner again. I usually skipped anyway.

I woke up to pain in my entire body. I looked to see it was midnight and I scrambled across the floor of my room to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cabinet and looked for my suppressants. The bottle was empty!

"No, no, no, no, no, I can't be out," I thought to myself as I tried to think of what to do.

(K=Keith, O=Keith's inner omega)

K: What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

O: nest! NEST!! NEST!!!

K: No I can't nest, I need to find suppressants. There may be some in the infirm-

O: Alpha!!! Find Alpha!!!!

K: No! I can't. Shiro is like a brother to me.

O: ALPHA!!!! ALPHA!!!! LANCE!!!!

K: No! Lance hates me. He thinks we're rivals. He wouldn't even if I wanted him too.

I suddenly found myself collecting every blanket I could find in the room. I left my room and, without thinking, entered Lance's room. Because I hadn't taken suppressants, I could smell everyone's sents. Lance was the strongest. The smell of the deepest depths of the ocean and the salty winds that danced their beaches filled the room. I loved it. I looked around for anything that might have his sent. All I found was his jacket so I grabbed it and quickly exited the room. Before I did so, I looked back at the sleeping alpha and prayed the didn't really hate me. I rushed to my room, but Lance's jacket around my shoulders climbed into my nest and fell asleep.

"Keith, it's Lance. You in there buddy?" I woke up with a start. Lance's smell filled my nose.

"I'm fine Lance" I struggled to say. He insisted that he open the door but I begged him not to. Ignoring my pleads, he opened the door and gasped. He stared at me with a faint blush on his cheeks. I closed my eyes tight, not wanting to look at him while he rejected me.

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