Chapter 5

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Caleb's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my nursery window. Don't get me wrong I love animals but come on I need to sleep. I saw the baby monitor staring at me and then I heard footsteps up the stairs. I heard the door creak open and I saw my Daddy smiling at me. He walked over to my crib and took me out But I was still pouting, I hated waking up alone in my boring crib. While I was sulking Daddy had already placed me in my highchair and he started to prepare breakfast. " Daddy." I called. " Yes Babyboy?" he questioned " I wuv yous." I replied

He smiled and kissed my forehead and I giggled. He placed 2 pancakes on a bear plate in front of me. I grabbed my pancake and tried to shove the whole thing in my mouth so I could be done but Dadda made me stop so he could cut it. He gave me back my plate and my pancakes were in tiny pieces. After we were done eating, Daddy ran me a bath. He put a blue sparkly bath bomb I'm the bath with me. The sparkles collected on my skin making me a true prince. Before taking me out he brushed my teeth with my dinosaur toothbrush.

After the bath he took me into his room and tried to get me dressed. Key word TRIED. At first he tried to put me in Jeans but I didn't want it, I started to cry. Then he tried sweatpants and a dinosaur shirt and I cried again. Finally he picked out a sweater and a pair of jean overalls. I let him put them on me and I was okay with it. He was relieved that my tantrums were over. Now I had on all my clothes Daddy still had only his towel wrapped on his waist. He set me down on the bed I went to get off but he glared at me and I sat back down. He went into his walk out closet and came back with some jeans and a gray t-shirt on. He came over to me and picked me up he smelled amazing. I snuggled into his chest while he carried me to the living room. He sat me on his lap so that I was straddling him and he started to comb and brush my messy hair.

When he was done he put my shoes and told me to wait on the couch. When he came back he had my bookbag and Betty, he gave me Betty and a paci from the bookbag. I walked with him to the car after he locked the door. He strapped me into my car seat and almost whined but daddy threatened to spank me and I shut up. He drove for hours it felt like I was sleep before we even left the neighborhood. When we arrived I looked like it was a club. It was scary looking and the name was light up in pink neon lights. Daddy seemed pleased as he backed up into his spot. He got out and grabbed the backpack before approaching the backseat. I silently suffered as Daddy took me out my car seat and took my hand leading me into the building. The interior was dark and there was doors lined up on the wall with cursive lettering on them.

People were sitting down and drinking others were chatting. All eyes were on us when we entered I tugged on Daddy's hand. He picked me up and started to pet my head. I dug my head into his neck wanting to disappear. When I was done hiding we were in a pastel room. There was a huge playset in the middle. I was getting really excited.

" Dadda"

" Yes prince."

" I go pway?"

" Sure."

He let me off his lap and I headed towards the giant slide In the middle of the room. I looked like there was other littles here too. It made sense it was a kink club. I climbed to the top of the monkey gym and I watched the other littles. A little girl came and sat by me she seemed sad. She looked at me but didn't say anything. We sat in silence as I watched her pout.

" Wat Wrong"

" My mommy is being mean"

" why"

" She won't let me be up here."

" Oh."

I sat in silence some more thinking about our short conversation. She seemed better now the tears that once threatened to spill were no more.

" Im Caleb."

" Im Emma."

For a while we sat and chatted about little stuff. Like out favorite food, the names of our stuffies, and our favorite colors. She loved green and her stuffie is a frog his name is KK. Her mommies name is Jenna and they have been together for 1 year. After that both of our caregivers called for us. Jenna was really pretty too bad I didn't swing for that team. Me and Emma slid down the slide to our awaiting caregivers. My Daddy smiled as he saw me slide with Emma so did Jenna. I ran to my Daddy and hugged him.

" Dadda can I has a pwaydate."

" With who Babyboy."

" Emma"

He pointed to Emma and Jenna ad nodded. He walked over to Jenna and they talked boring stuff while me and Emma chatted. Emma was really pretty as well she had gorgeous brown eyes that hard sparks of life in them. Finally our caregivers were done. Me and Emma waved goodbye to each other Daddy grabbed the bag and took me to the car. Daddy let me sit in the front because I was good at the club. Daddy got us home really fast. I stumbled into the house I collapsed on the couch.

I was awoken by Daddy shaking me to eat but I wasn't hungry I was tired. Daddy didn't make me eat but he gave me a bottle. He smiled as I suckled from the nipple of the bottle after that Daddy led be upstairs and changed me into a onesie and as soon as I cuddled up to Daddy in the bed I was consumed by darkness.

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