Chapter 48

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I wake up to Daddy shaking me awake gently and i whine.

" Its too early." I whine and he laughs.

" Baby its noon." He says and i dont move. He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. He undresses me and sets me in the bathtub ignoring my whines and my begging asking him to let me go back to sleep. He makes me dry off and tells me to go put on clothes but I walk back to the bed only for him to carry me to my room. I grab a tshirt I stole from him and some shorts and i put them on. I go to brush my teeth and i walk downstairs when I'm done. I see Milo peeing on the floor.

" For fucks sake!" I yell i take Milo outside and he just sits at the door.

" What was that Prince?" Daddy asks and I freeze.

" Um I- nothing." I say and he walks and sits in front of me

" I think it was something." He says and i shake my head walking to get the mop. I mop up the floor and i go to wash my hands. I let Milo in before I go to sit on Daddys lap and he kisses me cheek.

" Ready to go Prince?" He asks and i nod.

" Can i dri-" i start but he shushes me.

" You have a cast on." He says and i pout. I follow him to the car and i get into the passenger seat. We start to drive when we get there i hurriedly get out the car and i start to run to the door but Daddy calls my name.

" Do we need a refresher of the rule Prince?" He asked and i shake my head. He grabs my hand and we walk into the door of the clinic. We sit in the waiting room for a while until we get called. I sit on the bed and a lady comes in with the saw. I think about the fact that she could cut my actual arm and definitely harm me but i tried to push it to the back of my head. She starts to cut of off and she didnt cut my arm. She throws it away and she lets me wash my hands and she walks out.

" How do you feel?" Daddy asks

" Mobile." I say moving my wrist. He chuckles before Brooke walks in.

" Hey Guys." She says and i wave. She starts to talk but i get distracted by a poster on the wall. I guess the conversation was over because Daddy stood up and shook Brookes hand before she left.

" Come on." Daddy says and i get off the bed and i follow him outside.

" Can i drive?" I ask and he shakes his head leaving me to pout in the passenger seat.

" Daddy can we go see the ducks?" I ask and he nods. First we go a buy bread and when we get to the duck pond I hurry out the car and i run to the pond. I find Junior and he waddles to me and he sits in my lap.

" Hey buddy." I say massaging his head. I give him some bread be he hops of my lap to go share his bread. I feed the ducks and i turn to talk to Daddy but he is on the phone in the car. I roll my eyes and i walk along a path to go find more ducks. I walk for a while and i realize I'm lost. But I did find ducks so I fed the ducks and i tried to find my way back to Daddy. I did have my phone so I could've called him to come find me but i decided I would do it myself. I went in a circle 4 times but I did make it back to the car and Daddy looks pissed.

" Where were you?" He asks

" Um i was looking for more ducks." I say and he sighs.

" Prince you have to tell me where you are going." Daddy says and i nod.

" Come on love." He says and i get into the passenger seat.

" Grayson asked if we would like to go a meet him." Daddy says and i think for a moment.

" mhm." I say sitting back in my seat.

" You are going to follow the rules and Stephanie is going to be there." He says and i groan.

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