chapter 41

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I woke up and it was surprisingly cold in our room. I opened my eyes and I noticed I wasnt in our room I was in some plain room with white walls and nothing else but a window. I try to get up and walk to the door but my foot is chained to the bed post. I guess all the metal woke up who ever was here. I sat up the best I could as the door opened and in walked Devin. He had a smile on his face as he walked around the bed next to me. He fishes a key out of his pocket and he unlocks my foot.

" Good Morning Baby." He says and I bring my knees to my chest before burying my face in my knees. I hear Devin inhale sharply but I didnt move my  head from my knees.

" Caleb." He says and I still dont move. I gasp as Devin grabs my hair and pulls my head from my knees.

" Hello Caleb." He says yet again and I understand what he is expecting from me.

" hi." I say quietly and he let's go of my hair.

" Can I go home?" I ask and Devin chuckles.

" You wont be going home ever again." He says.

" I havent done anything." I say almost in tears

" You arent going back." He says sounding angry and I start to cry

" Caleb." Devin says but i continue to cry not understanding why he wont let me go home.

" I wanna go home." I cry only to be shushed.

" You arent going home Caleb." He says and I shake my head.

" Please let me go home I'm sorry." I whine as I wipe my tears and Devin sighs.

" You have rules here. Calm down so I can explain them." He says rudely unimpressed by my tears.

" I dont wanna." I say but he doesnt listen. I finally grow quiet knowing he isnt going to let me go back home.

" Done?" He asks and I nod. He starts to explain his rules and they were about the same but the punishments were worse. Some of the rules were a little strange like if I didnt eat he would chain me to the bed as if I'm not already here.

" when can I go home." I ask and Devin sighs.

" Never you arent fucking going back!" He yells and I nod quietly. He told me he wants to be treated with the same respect Derrick got and he also wants to be called Daddy. Derrick hasnt gotten respect in the last 2 weeks though. When he finally finished he started to tell me waht would happen if I tried to contact Daddy.

He stands up and looks at me. He steps closer and I try to kick him in the balls and he grabs my foot.

" Come on." He says and I shake my head.

" Now." He demands his voice cold. I get off the bed and I follow behind Devin slowly not wanting to be near him. We walk downstairs and he tells me to sit on the couch. I sit down at the edge of the couch curled into a ball. I hear Devin come near me and then the couch sank letting he know he was right next to me. As I sat and sulked Devin started to trail his hand up my thigh.

" Stop." I say as I swat his hand away.

" Can I go home?" I ask again

" Shut the fuck up!" He yells at me, his voice booming. I start to cry because I hate being yelled at and Devin goes to comfort me only for my to jerk away from his touch. I quickly dry my tears because bad bitches dont cry. Devin gets up and walks away I get off the couch and run to door. I open the door and a loud ass alarm goes off but I run through the door and it was a road and cars were passing but a huge fence stopped me from leaving. I saw Devin at the door he looked pissed to say the least. I saw him walking out to me slowly and I booked it around the house. I ran around the house until I realized everything was fenced in I couldnt leave. I look behind me and there he was. He backs me into the wall and grips my wrist harshly.

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