Chapter 17

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Hey guys this is not a good chapter I am still trying to get my computer fixed so please bear with me in this time.

I woke up next to Daddy who was sleeping and I watched him sleep for a while. He woke up and his eyes snapped open and he smiled when I jumped. He kissed me on the cheek and he rolled out of the bed. I followed him to the.... red room? I shivered but I walked him with him.and he sat down on the chair and i cautiously sat down on his lap.

" why are we in here?" I whispered while looking around the room. He shrugged and I curled into his chest. He got up not letting me fall but instead he moved my legs so how I was on his side as we moved through the room. I saw more now there were candles and way more ropes and handcuffs. I even saw a matching set of ropes, fuzzy handcuffs, ball gag, satin mask, and a paddle and they were all pink.  Daddy stopped and he grabbed something that I couldn't see and he walked back to the chair.

" Are you hungry baby boy?" He suddenly says as if he had just remembered. I shook my head and I took more interest in what he had.

" daddy are you gonna hurt me." I ask as I begin to panic but he shakes his head and he gets up again. This time he takes us downstairs and I see Milo is his cage he is sleeping so me and Daddy leave him alone.  Me and Daddy sit on the couch and we watch TV and we talk a little until I realize I need to tell him something. 

" Daddy." I say scratching the back of my neck and he looked at me really concerned.

" Im.. I'm gay." I tell him and he looks at me with his eyebrows scrunched up.

" Umm That's interesting Prince." He says as he pet my head.

" That's not all!" I blurt out quickly

" What's next Prince." He says as he muted the TV and turned all his attention to me.

" I'm pregnant." I tell him and he stares at me with utter confusion.

" Are you ok Prince?" He ask as he feels my forehead. I nod and I begin to ramble about how Daddy got me pregnant knowing full well that I am lying. He just nods along with me not questioning anything.

" Daddy can I be the Daddy today?" I ask politely and he shakes his head.

" But whyyyyy Daddy I am a big boy." I tell him puffing out my chest and he chuckles. I began to pout and he just smooshed my cheeks.

" Prince you are to little and way to cute to be a Daddy." He says in a nice voice but I am really persistent but he continues to deny me. I walk to my dog who is no awake from all my whining I take him outside so he can pee and then I walk back in glaring and Daddy I sit across from him and I pet Milo and I watch Daddy watch TV. I pet Milo a little faster and I begin to tell him how.great of a Daddy I would be, i also tell Milo how mean Daddy was and I  began to cry.

" Prince what's wrong." He asked seriously as more and more tears rolled.down my face.

" I w-wanted t-to be d-daddy but y-you laughed a-at me." I managed to get ina between sobs. He grabbed me and he sat me in his lap and he started to calm me when I was done crying he began to talk to me.

" Do you wanna be Daddy?" He asked as his hands wiped away any leftover tears. I nodded and he raised his eyebrow.

" y-yes daddy." I said nodding to add emphasis.

" Ok you can be Dadddy for the rest of today." He said as he kissed my cheek. I cheered and I hopped of the couch. I grabbed Daddys hand and I pulled him to the kitchen.

" Let's make cookies!" I yelled and he laughed but agreed. As he pulled out the ingredients I began to look for a recipies. We mixed all the ingredients, shaped the Cookies, and then we baked them. I ended up with flour everywhere and Daddy was confused about how all of me was covered in flour.

" Daddy?" I call

" Yeah Baby." He replies.

" I am gonna go get Milo." I tell him and he nods and I go run to find Milo who was chewing on my...... Shrek HIGHTOPS.

" DADDY COME HERE!!" I yell tears streaming down my face. Daddy ran into the room to see me sobbing over my shoes and Milo looking confused. He grabs me and he begins to rock me and he try's to calm me down but everytime I think of my shoes I cry harder. It took an hour for me to stop crying and now he could finally know what is wrong.

" Prince why were you crying." He ask as he rubbed my back.

" m- Milo ate my s-Shoes." I cried and Daddy grabbed me and we went back to the closet to the shoes and he grabbed them. The front of the shoes were completely destroyed and the laces of the left shoe were ripped beyond repair.

" Baby we can get you new ones dont cry." He said as he dried my tears. I nodded but he didnt understand that those shoes were my final high school art project and it took me 2 months to hand detail my shoes. Daddy took me back to the living room. The cookies were on the table and they were really pretty. I grabbed 3 and I took them back to the living room were I gave one to daddy, milo and then I ate the last one.

" As Daddy I have decided that we will go swimming." I declared while standing on the ottoman.

" Umm Prince can you swim." He asked me as he walked closer to the ottoman where I was still standing.

" I think so Dadda." I said while still trying to figure out the answer. I shrugged and he sighed but he carried me upstairs so we could get changed. I got dressed in dinosaur swimming trunks and Daddy wore plain black swimming trunks. Daddy grabbed 2 towels and we walked outside to the pool. I walked down the stairs into the warm water and in was relaxing but Daddy still wasn't in yet.

" Daddy come onn." I whined at him and he walked into the water. Me And Daddy splashed and swam and we played for a couple hours until Daddy decided it.was time to go inside.

" Daddy I no go." I told Daddy as swam away from him.

"Come on Prince." He says not bothered my statement

" No." I say slipping out of little space

" Caleb my side now." He said his voice slightly raising in volume

" Daddy I wanna stay." I.said back matching his tone.

"1." He says his eyes darkening with anger but I refused instead I swam around the deep end of the pool.

" 2." He continued to count and I continued to ignore him.

" 3." He swam and he grabbed me and I began to scream.

" DADDY PUT ME DOWN!!!." I yelled and I started to hit his back but he didnt put me down. Instead he grabbed a towel wrapped it around me and then he carried be into the house despite my kicking and screaming. We walked into the house.and he carried me straight to the punishment room. I continued scream until he put me down. At this point my throat hurt and angry tears lightly streamed my face.

" What rules did you break." He said calmly.

" I ran from Daddy, I hit Daddy, and I screamed at Daddy." Said as I played with my fingers in front of me.

" How should you be punished?  He asked me.

" Corner." I decided on an easy one because anything else is to hard. He nodded and he led me out the room and to the corner downstairs.

" 1 hour." He said and I got into the corner and I waited for what felt like years. Finally Daddy came to me and he let me out of the corner and I had to go upstairs and change. After I changed it was late so me and Daddy went upstairs and when I got onto the bed I began to jump on it.

" Daddy look." I giggled as I did a flip in the air. He chuckled and he continued to watch me.

" Come on Bear it is time to go to sleep."  He told me as I almost hit the ceiling. I whined but I stopped and I got into the covers.

" please more." I asked but he shook his head. I whined but I let him tuck me into the bed.

" Ni Ni Dadda." I said as my eyelids began to droop.

" Night Baby." He said as he kissed me on my forehead. That was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

Still dont have a computer so sorry if this took too long. Do you guys want a face reveal?

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