Chapter 10

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This writing prompt is Kisses so through out the story these kisses will take place.

Calebs POV

I woke up spooning Daddy me being the little spoon obviously. I tried to get up but Daddy's arms wouldn't budge so I was trapped. I would've loved this, laying with Daddy all day but I had to pee. I kept trying to move but Daddy kept holding me down. He started groan the more I wiggled.

" Daddyyyyy move." I whined

" Whyyyy." He whined back in a mock tone

" Daddy move I have to peeeee." I whined even louder. He still didn't move

" Daddy I will pee on you and the bed." I said not even joking anymore.

He lifted up his arm and I ran to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands and ran back to Daddy. He opened his arms and crawled back and laid back with Daddy. He kissed my nose and said that we had to get ready for work. After about 5 minutes Daddy looked at his watch and sighed. Daddy pulled took me to the bath room so he could start my bath. I stripped out of my pajamas and I got into the warm water. I was happy that Daddy got in with me again I started to splash him and it was working. I was noticing my evil plan. As it splashed him faster and harder each time.

He looked up at me and I splashed him which probably wasn't the best Idea but it happened. Daddy started to splash me back it was war Water War by the end of the fight water was all over the bathroom floor and there was no winner me nor my Daddy. With the water we had left Daddy washed me and then himself so we could get done. Before we went our separate ways to get dressed me and Daddy laid out towels all over the floor so the water didn't cause any damage.

I went into my closet I haven't really been feeling the most masculine so I decided to dress in something neutral. I dressed in a teddy bear hoodie and black skinny jeans I had a black tee underneath. I slipped on my black converse and I raced down the stairs. I saw daddy cooking at the stove he had cooked for himself knowing that I don't eat in the morning. He put his food on the island and took the bottle with him. I sat next to Daddy sucking on my pacifier holding my hand out waiting for him to give me my bottle.

He can't be doing the same thing as yesterday I wasn't about to play these games with him. I kissed Daddy on the cheek and wouldn't give me My phone. I kissed him on the lips and it was like the magic key. He handed over the bottle and I drank happily.

" tank you Dadda." I said around the bottle.

Me and Daddy were done at the same time we put our dishes away and we got in the car to head to Daddy's work.

" Daddy please don't make me sit in the car seat." I pleaded

" No Baby boy you have too." He said flatly

" Daddy noooo." I cried

" Prince do you want a punishment this early in the morning because I have no problem with it. He said in a stern no nonsense voice and I quickly shut up

We had this debate every time he takes me somewhere. I always lose and he always wins. We drove to the office as I constantly mumbled under my breath about how I want to sit in the front. Daddy never really cared to listen to my car seat trouble so he chose to ignore me. I rejoiced as we pulled into the parking lot of his office. Today he carried me into his office. He peppered my face with kisses as soon as we got into his office.

Strangely enough the woman hasn't come in yet I learned last night that her name is Elizabeth. I watched the clock not interested in my coloring books anymore. As the clock struck 11:45 the woman knocked on the door and she invited herself inside before Daddy could even say anything. I was texting my bestie when ' Elizabeth' walked in the door. She started her usual antics by shoving her boobs into his face.

He sighed and talked to her trying to tell her that he wasn't interested in her. When she heard that he was gay she looked at like I killed her whole family. I looked at her and shrugged. She let out what sounded like a growl. Then she went off on my Daddy.


" Get out." Daddy sounded calm dangerously calm

" No." She started to walk towards me on the couch

" I sai-" Daddy started

" THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT." She yelled at me she swung at me to but thankfully she missed.

I panicked and I ran to Daddy. He set me down under his desk and he stood up and he started to scream at her. The people from the other offices came out and someone called security and they dragged Elizabitch out the office. Daddy rushed over to me and picked me up and started to rock me. I started to cry this was insane I almost got punched in the face by a women way older to me.

He started to rub my back and pepper kisses all over my face. I was pretty nice except I was almost punched in the face. I turned around in his lap and we ended up making out in his office. I sat on the couch while he finished his work. He didn't have any psycho trying to date him so we left on time. Daddy let me sit up front while we drove home. I was sending streaks when I noticed Daddy trailing his hand up and down his thigh.

" D-daddy?" I asked my voice cracking

" MmHmm." He said back

He started to grip my thigh closer and closer to my crotch. I tried to shut my legs but Daddy growled at me. I let him trail my thigh, I was ' fine' until Daddy's had landed on my crotch. I started to whine and Daddy started to palm me thru my jeans

" D-daddy." I moaned out

He smirked and he moved his hand back to the steering wheel. I started to whine even louder.

" Why did you stop?" I complained

" You're being a brat wait till we get home Baby Boy." He bossed

" Hmph." I responded He started to glare at me.

" Sorry Daddy." I quickly stated

We drove home in silence as I whined silently. When we arrived at home I practically ran into the house. Daddy chuckled as he walked into the house. He took his tie and jacket off and he sat down on the couch. I sat on his lap ready to finish. He grabbed my member and he started to stroke up and down.

" F-faster D-daddy." I moaned out

He started to go slower he practically stopped.

" D-daddy please." I cried

He started stroking again. I moaned really loud and he went even faster. I ended up coming in his hand. He grabbed a tissue and wiped his hands. He carried me upstairs and we got into bed.

He kissed me on the head and we fell asleep.

Guys I am not going to lie to you, that chapter was not good. So I am really hoping the new chapter will be better. ALSO if you wanna send me smut to put in my books I will give you a shout out in all the chapter's they are used in. Thank you for all the reads and vote. I LOVE YOU ME EGGS

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