Chapter 13

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This chapters prompt is The Do


Caleb's POV

I woke spooning Daddy in his bed me being the little spoon. I moved from Daddy's grasp and I went to sit on Daddy's lap. I sat on his lap waiting for him to wake up it had been at least 5 minutes and he wasn't awake yet. I started to jump up and down on Daddy slowly I started to go faster. I heard Daddy groan and he pulled me off his lap and he kissed me on the cheek before sitting up.

" Come on Babyboy." He called out with sleep in his voice. It has been about a week and a half and so we were going to the doctor to see if my bruises are healed and I need my flu shot.

" Nuuuu Daddy." I cried I hated the doctor and shots. I never get sick so I never get the vaccination but now that I live with Daddy he decided that I needed to get my shots. Daddy grabbed me and he carried my writhing body to the bathroom. He started the water and he undressed me cause I wouldn't move. He placed me in the warm water and he started to wash me. He finished washing me and my hair and he dried me placing me on the toiled seat. He reached into the tub and he drained the water and he carried me to the bed

" Baby boy go get dressed." He said I shook my head.

" Now Caleb" He demanded with a new base in his voice that sent chills down my spine

" Y-yes Daddy." I stuttered as I got of the bed and I walked to my nursery/bedroom. I grabbed my Shrek crop top and my white jeans and a pair of lace panties and I put them on. I grabbed my miniature white bookbag and I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my brush from the bathroom and I out my Shrek pacifier in my bag. I saw Daddy walking down the stairs and I rushed to put my DIY Shrek high-tops on. ( Last Shrek item I swear but these will be used through out the story.) I sat next to Daddy at the island as he brushed my hair.

" Are you hungry Baby." He asked as he tied his shoes.

" No Daddy." I said as I scrolled through Instagram liking my besties pictures

He grabbed a bottle and a apple and we walked out the house not wanting to be late. he let me sit in the front seat today so I could maybe work out my secret plan. We were driving to Daddy's friends clinic. She is a special doctor for littles and her and Daddy have known each other since 3rd grade. Her little's name is Matteo. ( Check out Mommy?). We had about and hour until we got there and I didn't want to go.

" Daddy I'll be good if you don't make me get the shot." I offered

" No." He answered with no hesitation in his voice

" But Daddy I have never gotten the shot why now." I whined

" Prince." He warned not even glancing at me

" But Daddy I don't want it." I whined on the verge of tears

" Prince you are going to get the shot and you are going to let Brooke give you a check up and you are not going to be a brat. Do you understand me." He asked me in a stern voice

" yes d-daddy." I mumbled as I cried a little I knew it was stupid bout I was scared of needles and Daddy is making me get the shot anyway. I turned from Daddy in my seat and I closed my eyes dreading our destination.

I was lightly shaken awake by Daddy and peered out the window and I saw that we were at the clinic. I groaned as Daddy walked me inside of the clinic. The walls were pastel blue and it smelled like a hospital 2 things that definitely don't match. Me and Daddy sat down across from another ddlb couple. We waited about 15 minutes and then my name was called by the assistant. She led us into one of the rooms and we were left to wait again.

" Daddy I'm Scared of needles." I said not really looking at him

" Im sorry baby you need the flu shot." He sounded sorry but yet I was still getting the flu shot.

I nodded and I looked around the room seeing nothing but yellow walls in the color of pee. The floors were no different they were a boring white tile. There was nothing interesting about this place and I hated it. Finally Ms. Brooke walked in with a little behind her. She sat him in her stool and then she addressed me and Daddy.

" What's up Derrick." She asked while pulling on purple latex gloves

" Nothing he just needs a check up for the bruises and a flu shot." He said

" Ok." She nods and she walks up to me on the bed

" Cal you need to take your hoodie off." She says while she hands Daddy a clipboard and a pen. I take off my hoodie and I start to pout as she touched the bruises feeling for tenderness and anything odd. She grabs her stethoscope and she places the cold surface on my chest and back. She grabs a tongue compressor and she ask me to stick my tongue out. She places the compressor on my tongue and she throws it away. Lastly she checks my blood pressure. She takes the clipboard from Daddy and She grabs her little and she walks out the room.

" Daddy can I have my phone." I aske and he hands me my phone and I cringe when the paper under me crinkles. I start to text my mom she gets back in a couple weeks and she wants to meet Derrick she knows that he is my Daddy and he wants to make sure he is good for me. She was a little so apparently this is very important to her.

I turn my phone off just as Ms. Brooke walks into the Door without her little but she has the needle in her hand. I start to panic as I see her prep the needle. My breathing starts to go really fast and my chest starts to get tight. Daddy looks at me in confusion as I start to hyperventilate.

" Baby boy its ok I promise." He tries to soothe me but It doesn't work Daddy holds up 2 fingers to Brooke and she leaves the room with the needle in her hand. Daddy starts to rock me until I start to breathe normally.

" Baby can you get the shot." He askes staring into my eyes. I started to feel bad for Daddy so like a retard I said yes. So now Brooke was inside the room again and she was prepping my arm with an alcohol wipe. Daddy was holding my hand and I was lightly shaking. I winced as Brooke pierced my skin with the needle as if it was nothing. She pulls out the needle and she puts a Shrek bandage on my arm and She smiled at Daddy and She left the room. I put my hoodie back on and I grabbed Daddy's hand. I was relieved as Daddy and I walked out the clinic.

" Daddy my shoulder hurts." I whined

" I know prince you can have medicine when we get home." He said as he buckled my seatbelt. He hopped in the drivers seat and he drove off. When we got home Daddy carried me to the couch and he walked into the kitchen he came out with a bottle of water and a white pill. I took the pill and I swallowed it with water and I curled up into Daddy's lap.

" I sleepy Daddy." I said as my eyelids drooped He nodded and I fell asleep in his lap.

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