Chapter 15

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I woke up in Daddy's bed and he wasn't there. I got out of the bed I walked into the bathroom and he wasn't there either. I went downstairs and he was sitting on the couch. I walked over to him and I sat on his lap. He kissed me on the cheek and he began to talk to me.

" Are you ok Baby boy." He asked his hand running through my messy hair. I nodded to him and he raised his brow.

" Yes Daddy." I mumbled into his shoulder.

" Are you hungry." He asked already knowing the answer I would give him

" No." I buried my head into his neck and I just wanted him to lose the dumb rule so I could just be quiet but he loves words. Daddy left me alone and he continued what he was doing and I just sat on his lap.

" Daddy." I called to him

" Yea Baby?" He asked

" Can I get a Puppy?" I replied

" No." He replied without even glancing at me

" Daddy why not." I whined

" Because I said so." He said again

" But I-i please Daddy." I began to whine louder but Daddy wouldn't say yes so I left and I went to my room to figure out a plan. I decided that I would buy it myself and then bring it home and then figure that part out later. I walked back out to Daddy and I stood in front of him.

" Can I get a job." I asked him while trying to calculate the cost of a puppy in my head

" No." he said

"Why" I whined

" Cause I said - "

I rolled my eyes and I stomped out the living room before he could finish. Daddy called me back but I slammed the door and I tried to figure out another idea. When Daddy came into the room really upset and he carried me back to the living room. I behaved and I let him sit me on the couch.

" What rule did you break." He said

" i ran away from you." I mumbled to him and he nodded

" So do you want to get punished or do you want to tell what's wrong?" We usually do this when he punishes me and I get spanked because I refuse to talk but this time is different.

" I want a dog." I say firmly

" So you decided to act up and be rude to me." He questioned me. with a raised brow.

" Yes." I nodded to emphasize my point

" Baby boy no. You can't do that." He said back to me. I began to whine and he continued to lecture me.

" Daddy I just want a puppy." I begged but Daddy held on strong to his no. I am his little and he won't give me a puppy.

" Okay Daddy, I'm going on a hunger strike." I told him.

" No let's go eat now." He said as he grabbed me and when we reached the kitchen he put me into my booster seat and I let him strap me in. He made me a grilled cheese and he set it in front of me.

" Now. Caleb" He demanded but I pushed it away

" No thank you Daddy." I said with a polite smile on my face. He set the sandwich down and he unstrapped me and we were off to the red room. Usually I would back off and eat but I didn't.

" Count." He said as he laid me over his lap. Daddy started the usual and I did what I was supposed to and It ended at 10 and I was crying but I still wanted a puppy so I continued with the strike. I stopped crying and Daddy did after care we went back downstairs. We did the same thing again except he made me stand in the corner. The third go round he force fed me and when I was done he let me go and I ran to the bathroom and I threw it up. Daddy got really scared but like I don't have a puppy yet so he obviously wasn't worried enough. He was still mad at me but I had to talk to him.

" By the way Daddy, My Mom want's to meet you next month." I told him while I brushed my teeth again.

" Why did you tell me that earlier." He groaned

" If I had a puppy I would've remembered." I told him. He rolled his eyes and he started to text some one. I went to the kitchen and I grabbed a bottle of water. I saw that Daddy was on the phone and so I started to text Jacob about my strike. He told me that he did that but he refused to talk and that lasted for about a week so I was confident. The worst thing that could happen is that I could go to the hospital. and the best thing is that I can get a puppy.

" Caleb." Daddy called to me

" Yea?" I said

" You can only last a like a week without food so you need to eat." I reminded me

" Will i get a puppy?" I said hopeful

" No" He answered back

" Then that is your answer." I replied. He groaned and picked me up and he sat me on the couch. I straddled his lap. He looked concerned so I was beginning to feel bad but still NEEDED a puppy. Daddy looked kinda sad which made me sad.

" Daddy please don't be sad." I said quietly

" I'm not sad I'm worried that you are hurting yourself. You weight less than 200 pounds." Daddy was getting louder and louder.

" i-I will stop on Wednesday instead of next month." I suggested

" You could not of lasted a whole month." He yelled

" Okay but I could've lasted a month and I probably weigh, way more than 200 pounds." I yelled back at him.

" If you stop the strike right now and eat something I will get you a puppy." He said really fast.

" Promise?" I asked nicely. He nodded

" Okay I quit lets go eat." I started to bounce up and down excitedly.

" Let's go then." He said as we got off the couch and we walked to kitchen when we arrived Daddy made me a sandwich and I ate half of it.

" All done." I said as I wiped my hands on the napkin

" All of it." He said back as he watched me. I sighed and I ate the rest of the sandwich knowing that it will be worth it. When I was done he gave me a kiss and we went back to the couch. I was really excited because I am getting a puppy and my Mom is coming back soon.

" Wait Caleb." Daddy suddenly said out of no where

" Aren't you allergic to dog fur." He asked me confusion heavy

" I'm not allergic to Huskies." I said reassuringly because I will get this puppy. Daddy nodded and he went back on his phone. I began to text in a group chat that is all the littles but no caregivers. I told them that my plan worked they were all really surprised. They all said they wouldn't want to get punished. It was almost time for bed and Daddy and I went upstairs and we got into the bed. I fell asleep and he was still on his phone. I dreamt of my future puppy.

*sorry it's late the other stories have taken my time up love my eggs*

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