Chapter 25

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Okay so no one commented but that is okay.😔 My heart isnt crushed at all but into the next chapter

I woke up next to my Daddy and a grin spread across my face as I thought back on yesterday. I looked back down at Daddy and he was smiling up at me.

" Hi Baby." He said as he sat up.

" Hi" I said sitting up aswell.

" Presents?" I ask and Daddy nods. I run to the bathroom and when I looked back he was still in bed

" Daddy come on." I whined and Daddy groaned and he got up. When the water filled the tub I got in. After taking my bath I went to get dressed. I decided on a pink crop top and some blue jeans. I walked downstairs and I didnt see Daddy but I needed to take Milo outside. I decided to count my losses and i decided I'd rather take him outside then have him pee on the floor.

I put on Milos leash and I walked outside I tried to hurry back home but Milo wouldnt run with me.

" Milo please." I begged and he wouldnt budge off the ground. I started to cry but I knew that Daddy would still be mad. I wiped my tears and I thought about leaving Milo but I quickly erased that thought.

" Milo?" I said and his ears perked up.

" Wanna treat?" I asked and Milo stood up and his tail began to wag.

" Good Boy come on." I encouraged and Milo ran home after me. When I made it home Daddy was sitting on the couch with an angry look on his face.

" Okay Daddy I promise I can explain." I said and he raised his eyebrow.

" So Explain." He said and I sighed I didn't know he actually wanted an explanation.

" Okay so actually it was Milos fault cause he had to go to the bathroom.and you weren't outside and i didnt want him to pee on the floor and I tried to make him hurry but he wouldnt move and so I got here late." I said and Daddy nodded. I let out a breath and I let Milo off the leash.

" Daddy Can i open presents?" I asked and Daddy nodded. I walked over to the table and I grabbed the remaining presents and I brought them to the living room and I placed them on the floor. I sat down and Milo laid next to me. Daddy sat up and he watched me as I unwrapped the 1st box. The box had the iPhone XR I smiled and I set it on the table.

" Thank you Daddy." I said and he just smiled. I opened another box and it was a stuffed spider.

" Throw it away." I said my little space disappearing instantly.

" Prince it's-" He began to reason with me but I cut him off.

" Daddy no I hate it no i never wanna see it again I hate it." I said and I handed the box to Daddy. I hated spiders even the thought of spiders made me sick to my stomach. When I was 12 my house had a spider infestation and when i woke up there were spiders everywhere. I have always hated spiders ever since. Daddy held the box with a conflicted look on his face.

" Prince can you please just try and keep it." He said and I shook my head.

" Daddy if you make me keep that I will burn it." I said and he sighed.

" But like you can keep it in the closet." He said and I shook my head.

" Okay Prince." He said with a groan. I nodded still uneasy. I decided I would have a better chance opening a bag. I opened a green bag and a box was inside I opened the box and a necklace and earring set.

" DADDY DADDY LOOK!" I called and Daddy groaned. This meant he would have to get my ears pierced.

" Yes Prince I see them." He said and I smiled. I set the bag down and there were 2 more boxes. I handed Daddy one of the bags and I take the other one and I begin to open it.

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