Chapter 19

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I woke up in the bed next to Daddy who I thought was sleep but as soon as I moved he looked at me with bright eyes.

" Good to see you awake." He said and I groaned. He picked me up and off the bath we went. This time he got into the bathtub with me. He started to wash me and as he did I decided it would be a good idea to palm him and I thought wrong, I ended up getting sprayed with the shower head. I whined and Daddy just chuckled. When I got out the shower I decided to wear my favorite outfit. Which surprisingly was not shrek it was an anime croptop and some denim shorts. I grabbed my phone and my hairbrush and I went down the stairs I found Daddy at the table and he was cooking. I sat at the island and I watched him. It's crazy how I gained so much in a few months. Daddy turns around and he decided to blow me a kiss as I admired him as my eyes landed on his abs. I hopped off the counter and I sent to play with Milo. I put on his leash and we went outside.

I decided I would walk him down the street instead of the back yard. I was halfway down the street when I heard Daddy calling my name I turned around to see Daddy frantically looking around. I ran back to the house making sure Milo kept up.

" Daddy what's wrong?" I ask and he just grabs my hand and drags me inside. I was confused and he was yelling at me and I wanted to do was walk Milo. At this point I was crying as Daddy was put Milo in his cage. I heard Milo whine but Daddy didnt let him out. Daddy was In front of me again and I was still crying a lot.

" Prince why did I look out side and not see you?" He asked his voice not harsh but it did not help my crying it actually cry harder.

" Hey Baby why are you crying." He asked me and I couldn't say anything because I was too busy crying. He rubbed my back until I calmed down a little and then he continued to interrogate me.

" Why did I look in the backyard and you weren't there?" He asked me his voice now stern.

" I was walking Milo." I said looking at the ground and he nodded.

" What's rule number 7?" He asked me and I shrugged.

" Tell Daddy where you are going." He said and I nodded

" What happens when you break rules.?" He asked me and I began to pout as tears rolled down my face again.

" they g-get punished." I choked and Daddy nodded. Daddy got up and I shoved my face into the couch cushion and I began to cry. I ddint move for I along time I just cried into a pillow because I was too sad to tell Daddy I didnt know what I did wrong. I felt sick but just as I was going to cry more Daddy picked me up and he carried me somewhere. I figured it didnt matter at this point because crying makes you exhausted. I was put in a chair and thats when I realized that Daddy put me at the table. I figured that Daddy is gonna punish me later. Daddy places a plate of food in front of me. I pick up the plate and I begin to eat. I never once looked up at Daddy i just continued to stare at the floor. Before I knew it the plate was empty. 

I guess crying does make you exhausted because I would've never ate all of this. I still said nothing and I pushed the empty plate away and I sat my head on the table. Loose tears fell.

" Caleb." He said and I looked up my eyes puffy and my face slightly red. He grabbed me gently and he hugged me. I was kinda confused but I went along. He kissed my fore head and he began to rub my back.

" Baby I'm very proud of you!" He said his smile wide and I was still  confused.

" are you still gonna punish me?" I asked my voice small and rough.

" Baby that was your punishment." He said chuckling and I looked up. I understood now, he was gonna make me eat because I dont eat. I nodded as he carried me to the living room. I cuddled into him as my tears dried I realized that I was overeacting. Daddy kissed my forehead and I wish I wouldnt of wasted my tears cause now I looked dumb.

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