check up babes

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How are you guys because its been a rough couple weeks tbh.

Check up 👁👄👁

So my most notable is the fact that i learned i have the cd emoji and it is very shiny. My mommy decided im starting therapy today of all days. I just got called on in class and like a bad bitch I lied my way out of doing my shit. I also have to do this thing that I don't know how to do cause I was sleeping. My brother and mom are going at it and its just like daddy chill. I've decided I want to be a sugar baby because 12 years of school is too much. My father told my mom to put my brother out like just put him out with no where to go. My brother is literally 14. Anyways I wrote on all my books and I put out another book for more variety. I also think I might come out soon but idk yet. Also chapter ideas would he appreciated. Yeah but thats it. Omfg yeah i hit 4 months in 9 days 😼😼😼

How are yall i really hope you guys are doing well and being SAFE. Please please please wear your masks if you're going out.

If any of you need anything message me and I will reply ASAP.

Bye guy's its time for me to gonto math😔 i love you guys Byeeeee

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