chapter 23

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This is a week after the last chapter because I need this story line to move on.

I woke up to Daddy peppering my face with kisses. I whined and I rolled over.

" Come on Baby it's time to get up." Daddy said and I groaned. I sat up and I rubbed my eyes I looked at Daddy and I saw that he was dressed in a suit. Daddy picked me up and he carried my to the bathroom. I was placed in the bathtub and he began to wash me as I played with my rubber duck. After my bath I went to get dressed. I decided on a purple crop top and some blue jeans. I grabbed my necklace and I went downstairs. I saw Daddy in the kitchen on the phone and I sat down and I waited for him to finish. When he turned around he looked me up and down and he grinned.

" You look nice Prince." He said and something flashed in his eyes and it sent chills down my spine.

" Thank you Daddy." I said sweetly.

" Please help." I said as I handed him my necklace. He took the necklace from me and he put it on me.

" Thank you Daddy." I said as I touched my necklace. Daddy then placed a plate with a pancake on it. I looked at him and he gave me pleading eyes. I sighed and I began to eat. I have began to realize that I need to eat or I am going to make myself sick so I am trying to start eating. I finished and Daddy kissed my forehead.

" Go put your shoes on please." Daddy said and I nodded. I went to the front door and I put on my white converse. I looked back at Daddy and then I noticed he had a bag so this meant we were going to his job and I like his job. It was really fun because I get to mess with Daddy while he is working.

" Come on Prince." Daddy says as he opens the door. I walk out and we walk to the car and he sets the bag down. He opens the back seat door and I began to whine.

" Daddy no carseat." I whine and he shakes his head.

" Now Please Caleb." He said his voice stern I shake my head and Daddy growls.

" I gave you a command and you are going to follow that command before you get punished right here." He said and I nodded quickly. I climbed into the carseat as tears began to fill my eyes but Daddy didnt notice. Daddy buckled me in and he went to get into the driver's seat. He began to drive and I sat in the back pouting. When we ended up at Daddys job I grinned. I didnt want to be in the carseat anymore. Daddy quickly took me out my carseat and he picked me up and carried me into the building. I waved at the receptionist because she was nice then I waved to like 4 other people before we got into Daddy's office. He set me down and I realized I couldn't jump on the couch anymore because of my leg. I began to think about how would hurt if I were to jump on the couch but I decided against it.

" Prince." Daddy said and I jumped.

" Yes Daddy?" I asked and he chuckled at my fright.

" We are doing some things today." He said and I nodded.

" For starters in 2 hours you're getting your boot off. Then we have dinner with my family." He said and he rushed the last part hoping I wouldnt hear but I did.

" Your Family?" I asked and he nodded with a nervous smile on his face.

" Yeah my mom and dad and my 2 brothers ." He said and I got really scared. I began to cry and Daddy rushed over to me and he picked me up and carried me to his desk.

" Hey Prince what's wrong." He asked as he set me on his desk.

" I-I am ugly a-nd I have t-to meet your family." I cried and Daddy wiped my tears.

" Oh baby you're not ugly and if my family doesnt like you then I won't make you talk to them or be around them." He said and I nodded. I wiped my tears and instead of letting Daddy do his job I laid across his lap and played with his shoelaces.

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