Chapter 33- THE WEDDING

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I am shaken awake by Kate.

" go away." I groan and I turn away. The next thing I know I'm getting cold water poured over me. I jump up and I see Jessica with a cup.

" Its 1 get up." I hear Grayson yell and I groan.

" I'm tired." I complain

" We have to be there by 3 you have 2 hours hurry up and get dressed slowpoke." Amani instructs and I nod. I get into the shower and I am enjoying myself when somebody is telling me that we are gonna be late which totally kills the vibe by the way. I get out the shower and I go back to the room and everyone is gone. There is a note telling me to wear the pink set of lingerie. I get dressed with some difficulty and I call Grayson to come help me tie my tie.

" You could've done this yourself.".Grayson says and I nod.

" You're right but I didnt want to." I say giving jazz hands. Grayson ties my tie and I  look in the mirror. I never would've imagined that I would be getting married before being able to legally drink. I snap out of my head and i turn to Grayson.

" You look great Gray." I say

" Why thank you Caleb." He says giving a bow.

" Where are the girls?" I ask and on that note the girls stumble through the door.

" Yall are cute." I say brushing my hair. They all give me a smile before turning to Grayson.

" Where is Stephanie?" Jessica asks and Grayson shrugs.

" She said she'll be there." He says nonchalantly.

" You should go pick her up." I say grabbing my keys.

" Nah she will be fine, right now I have to bully my best friend before his wedding." He says giving me a wink. I groan but I grab the keys.

" My turn losers." I say and i drag them to the car where they appear to be bracing for impact.

" Guys please give me a chance." I say turning on the car.

" Caleb if I die I will haunt you." Katie threatens and I laugh. I know we wont die, just be severely injured at the least. I pull out of the parking lot going pretty fast and then Grayson starts yelling at me.

" I swear to God Caleb!" He yells and I laugh.

" Slow the hell down!" He says and I nod.

" Yes sir." I say solemnly and I slow down doing from a 80 to a 50 and everyone seems to take a breath. But after a couple red lights I speed up and we are at the venue in 15 minutes. When we hop out everyone looks angry. I am grinning from ear to ear until they start yelling at me. I dont enjoy being yelled  at it makes me very sad. I see people getting out their cars and staring at me in a Baby blue tuxedo being screamed at. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Katie punching me.

" Katie that hurt." I whine and she shrugs.

" You know what else hurt you making a left and being slammed into the car door." She says and everyone else agrees

" I think everyone deserves a hit." Katie says and I drop my head knowing I wont get a say in whether I'm going to be abused or not.

" Literally I'm gonna cry." I whine after everyone got their justice and personally I dont think it was fair. They hit so hard like please my pain kink is small I dont want to be sucker punched.( yall wanna see sumn with that orrr) When we walked into the venue we go to a nice room with like food and alcohol in it. I dont want to drink before my wedding but I'm not going to pass up a chance. I think I like alchohol. I grab a bottle and I start to drink it's good and I like the orange color. I finish drinking it and I go back turn back to my friends and they are all drinking aswell.

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