Chapter 37

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I WAS WRITING THE CHAPTER RIGHT AND I JUST REMEMBERED THE BLUE DINO HER NAME WAS LIKE BELLA AND WE HAVENT SEEN HER IN A LONG TIME OMGGGG. SHE IS GETTING WRITTEN ABOUT. IM WRITING AGAIN ITS CURRENTY MONDAY AND HER NAME IS BETTY. Okay its 3:42 and this chapter is making me feel something other than the same depressive state and I think I love this chapter cause femboy Caleb is finally arising to his full potential. Currently 2:25 pm and I think we would be like best friends because yall are kinda amazing. Also I might be taking a break after I finish the honeymoon chapter but idk yet. This has taken so long cause i couldnt write certain. Parts.

I wake up to Daddy yelling on the phone downstairs. I yawn and clumsily make my way downstairs. When Daddy sees me his face softens as he steps towards me. He puts his call on hold.

" Good Morning Baby." He says placing a kiss on forehead.

" Hi Daddy." I say laying my head on his shoulder.

" Can you go shower and get dressed please." Daddy says and I pout.

" But-" I start only to be stopped.

" Now Caleb." Daddy says and I whine but make my way upstairs. I get into the shower and I get in and the water burns my skin. Its refreshing after yesterday. I get out and I get dressed into my outfit for the day and I think Daddy will like it. ( the outfit above) . I fasten the choker and I head downstairs. I see Daddy but he doesnt see me, giving me an advantage. I walk up to him and I straddle him making him jump. He looks me up and down and his eyes fill with lust. He continues to talk on the phone but he wont take his eyes off me. I start to get annoyed that he wasnt paying attention to me. I start to rock my hips and he gives me a look that speaks for itself. I stop rocking and he start the end the call.

" So needy." He says as he hangs up.

" Only for you Daddy." I say with a smile.

" You make it so hard Baby, we have plans." He says and I groan.

" I just want di-" I whine and he interrupts

" Im sure you do Prince." He says and I pout.

" We can either fuck or go diving." He says and I think for a moment.

" Um that's not fair." I say

" I like sea turtles, and I like dick." I say and he chuckles.

" Pick one." He says and I nod.

" Uh sea turtles." I say and he nods

" Eat and we can go." He says and I sigh before stomping to the kitchen.

" Lose the attitude Prince." He says and I roll my eyes making sure he cant see me first. I grab an apple and I make my way back the living room making my seat on Daddys lap.

" You make it so hard." He says as his hands  find their way up my shirt. I laugh and finish eating so we can leave. We walk to the car and I rush into the driver seat before he can stop me.

" Caleb move." He says and I shake my head.

" Passenger seat or the car seat." He says and I pout and get out the car. I get into the  passenger seat and he pulls off.

" turtle, turtle, turtle." I sing as we drive down the road. He looks at me with a look of adoration. We finally get to shop and I quickly get out the car. I grab Daddys hand I drag him the door. We walk in and Daddy talks to the shop owner and I look around the shop. I see a glass sea turtle on the shelf.

" Come on Caleb." Daddy says as the man hands us what we need and sends us to changing rooms where we put on our wetsuit and then the employees helped get our tanks on. We went out on the boat and then we were ready to swim. We jumped into the water and it was gorgeous down there. As we swam we passed schools of fish and then I finally saw a sea turtle. I screamed eternally as it passed close enough for me to gently stroke its shell. The deeper we went the better it got. The schools of fish turned into clams and sea cucumbers scattered across the ocean floors. I grabbed a deserted shell and I examined the grooves and I made sure I would bring it up with me. I saw a jelly fish and it just looked so surreal down there in the deep abyss that is the ocean. No one really knows what is down here but its gorgeous to say the least. After while it's time to come back up and we had to get up before we you know die. When we got to surface it was really hot. We got changed we went back to the shop.

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