Chapter 26

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Hold the fucking phone. How is no one saying anything about them skipping Christmas. Like is it always warm. Do they not have Christmas where ever they live?!?!? This chapter physically hurt me when I got to the end so that's tea and also. I got my whip and flogger confused so sorry if there is any confusion with that. Sorry this shit took so long it was my fault.

I woke up in my crib and I realized Daddy is probably at work. I crawled out of my crib and I noticed a letter. It was from Daddy and it told me instructions if I was little or not. I wasnt really feeling it today so I decided to stay big for today or at least until I need to switch. I had plans today though. My actual best friend ever wants to meet today. Before doing anything I quickly texted Daddy asking for permission and he agreed reluctantly. Grayson has been my best friend since 2nd grade. He is a year older than me and he is definitely the one of the only friends I have kept through High School. After thanking Daddy I get into the shower. After showering I contemplating dying my hair purple but I decided that purple wasn't the color for today. I made my way to my closet where I wore a oversized maroon sweater and some black jeans. I grabbed the money that Grayson gave me and put it in a bag along with everything else I needed for today.

When I get downstairs Milo is sleeping in the living room so Daddy must have taken him out, so I dont have to worry about that. I made sure Milos bowls were both full and I got ready to leave.  I brush my hair and I put on a pair of black converse. I walk put the house locking the door and I head to my car. Once I get in the car I text Daddy that I am leaving and then I text Grayson to tell him I'm on my way. I pulled out of the driveway and I began to drive to the mall where we are meeting. The drive isnt long it's really just a little over 15 minutes. Once I arrive I make sure Grayson is here and I decide to go in. Walking in I notice it's like the other little mall I go to Daddy with but this one is way closer and it's a little smaller. I walk to the food court and I see Grayson sitting at a table looking around. I rush up to him and his face breaks out into a smile.

" Caleb I havent seen you in so long!" He exclaimed hugging me.

" I have missed you so much Gray!" I say back hugging him tighter.

" Gray we definitely have a lot to talk about." I said and he nodded and led me to a table. I sat down and he did the same.

" So Gray for one I have missed you." I said trying to lighten the mood before I tell him getting married.

" I have missed you too and if you wouldve replied and answered my text and calls earlier we could've set a date." He said sounding upset. He gave me and over dramatic sigh and I giggled.

" Same old Caleb." He said his voice sounding nostalgic as If he was remembering the old me.

" After our pleasantries can we talk about why you are getting married and havent told me?" He asked the mood changing. Grayson had a knack for that. He has been a dominant for a while and he just recently got into Cgl so he is good at interrogating me.

" Okay so before that whole thing. I broke my leg." I say and he chuckles. I gasped and shake my head.

" how rude!" I say in a posh tone. Grayson laughs and I do the same.

" Let me guess you fell down the-" he stated and I cut him off. I looked around and I began to speak

" Shhh that's embarrassing." I say and he chuckles.

" But is that what happened?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

Fine yes yes that's what happened." I say and Gray nods.

" Point Grayson." He says and I roll my eyes.

" Anyways he proposed on my birthday and so yeah but also you gave me 200 dollars." I say and he chuckles

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