Chapter 12

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This writing prompt is The sitter

                                  Caleb's POV
I woke up alone in my crib my stuffie Betty wasn't even next to me. I saw the baby monitor and the same flashing red light as always. I then heard foot steps that were light as if they weren't there at all. Then a slim tall women walks into the door. She was smiling ear to ear she walked up to my crib and she picked me up. She Carried me to the kitchen and she grabbed a bottle carrying me into the living room.

Finding Nemo was on the TV. She pulled me into her lap and she tries to feed me but I refuse. I sit there as she tries to force the bottle into my mouth. I can see her getting frustrated as her face turns pink. She pinched my thighs hard when I I thi move or turn my head.

" Where Daddy." I ask while turning my head to avoid the bottle she was trying to shove into my mouth.

"  On a business trip for the Day now eat." She rushed out. She continued to try and shove the bottle thru my closed lips. I laughed inside my head as I watched her struggle to feed me. She didn't even ask if I was hungry she just tried to force feed me. I was fed up with her and I tried to move from her lap and run to my playroom but her grip was like a vice I couldn't even budge.

" Let me go." I demanded as I started to struggle even more. She responded by tightening her grip on my arm. I started to cry as she gripped my arm harder, she didn't even notice the hot tears falling down my face as she stuck the bottle into my mouth. I cried harder as she force fed me. I stopped drinking it and refused but she held my nose and I had to breathe.

When I was done she pulled me off her lap and I ran to my playroom. I heard her sigh as the dropped the bottle in the sink. I heard her heels clacking on the hardwood as she approached my playroom. I was scared I couldn't be little like this I am supposed to be safe not locked in a play room. I start to shove stuff against my door I put everything that moved against the door. I heard her start to get angry as she yelled at me from the other side. I grabbed my 2 stuffies and I went to lock myself inside my closet.

I grabbed my phone from my dresser and I rushed into the closet. Everything that I don't use like certain toys and extra clothes were in here, so I made a small fort as my ' sitter ' banged on the door. I dialed Daddy's number and he answered thankfully. " Daddy please help me." I whispered as she banged louder. " Baby what's wrong." He sounded worried and Iheard shuffling on the other side of the phone. " Daddy she is gonna hurt me more hurry uppp." I whined into the phone. Daddy cursed in a yelling tone. He said he was on the way It only takes about 20 minutes to get back home.

I hung up with Daddy and I realized that I couldn't hear her banging on the door so I panicked. This meant she could be actually anywhere in the house. I started to cry as I thought about all the bad things that could happen if she is in here with me. I heard clacking of heels on the hardwood and I was strangely happy. I heard her call my name in a taunting tone of voice as she scratched something up and down my door. This continued for about 10 mi ites and by then the sitter was fuming sue was screaming my name and the noises from the door was just getting louder and louder. Somehow I heard the door slam open and the sitter curse. I heard Daddy yell at her as she yelled back. I heard Elizabeth's name mentioned one or two times while they were yelling. I suddenly heard something fall to the floor I moved the stuff from my door and I cautiously walked out my playroom. To see my sitter and my Daddy on the phone.

I ran to Daddy and he picked me up and he so tight that I couldn't breathe. I giggled as he peppered my face with kisses. He sets me down on the couch and he hangs up the phone. Apparently he called the cops on the sitter. They would be here in 5 minutes to collect her unconditional body. Daddy changed me into pajamas that we acceptable and we waited on the couch for the cops to arrive  while he rocked my In his lap. Daddy heard the doorbell ring and he walked up to the door and he led the group of police officers into our house. They grabbed the sitter off the floor and they put her into the back of their cars. They came back in to ask questions. First they asked about me and if I was ok and then they asked about and Damage. They also asked my Daddy if there was.anything that they needed to know aswell. Me and Daddy explained everything to the cops except he made me go to my playroom while him and the cop talked about ' adult ' stuff.

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