chapter 20

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I woke up in my crib and I knew that Daddy was probably at work. I sighed but I sat up. I tried to take off my boot but I figured out that I couldn't. I heard some noise and I had forgotten that there were cameras in here after what happened. I looked at the now opening door and I saw a tall man who looked just like Daddy but he no beard. The same fresh cut look but no beard. It was freaky I couldn't take my eyes off him. I felt warm hands on my waist and I snapped out of my trance and I realized that he was picking me up. He carried me to the bathroom and I started to fuss.

" Only Daddy bathes with me." I say as I push him away from me.

" But your Daddy said that I can bathe you." He said his voice like Daddy's too. I shook my head and he sighed. I limped out the bathroom and I went to my room and I called Daddy.

Daddy: Hey Babyboy what's up?
Me: Daddy he cant bathe me
Daddy: But I said he can
Me: But I don't know him
Daddy: Its not your choice
Me: I wont eat till next month
Daddy: You wont
Me: Watch me
Daddy: Fine but we are talking when I get home.
Me: Thank you love you Daddy
Daddy: Love you too baby

I limped back to the bathroom. I was one again face to chest with Daddy 2.0.

" He changed his mind." I said and he rolled his eyes but he went to leave.

" Wait I need help." I say and he walks back in. I point to my leg and he takes off my boot with not problem. I start the bath and I get in. When I finish and brush my teeth I but my boot on and I limp to my room. I got dressed with some help for my pants. But I got dressed in a blue crop top and some acid washed skinny jeans. I decided it would  be safer to roll down the stairs so I did exactly that. Once at the bottom I pulled myself up and I limped to the kitchen.

" Excuse me." I said and he turned around

" Yes Baby." He said and I began to slip but not completely

" I need my crutches." I said and he nodded he went to get them and when he came back I saw that I didnt want to use them. I grabbed them from him and he placed a plate in front of me. I pushed it away and he just laughed.

" Your Daddy is gonna be home in 20 minutes and you're not eating." He said and I shrugged.

" Let's make a deal." He said and my eyes widened.

" So if you eat 1 of the 2 pancakes I will bring you a stuffie next time I come which is next week." He said and I nodded. I began to eat and as soon as I finished he threw the pancake away and turned back to me.

" Next is medicine if your leg hurts." He said and I shook my head. He nodded and we walked to the couch.

" Well your Daddy should be getting home now." He said as he looked at his watch and at that moment to door opened. I saw Daddy in a red and black suit that fit him nicely. He saw me on the couch with my new sitter and he smiled. He sat next to me and I crawled on his lap and I placed my self in the middle.

" Well hey Prince." He said and I just hummed softly.

" Has he been good." He asked the sitter and he nods back at Daddy.

" Daddy." I say realizing that I slipped after not being little the whole time.

" Yeah Baby." He replied

" He looks like you." I said and Daddy chuckled as did the sitter. I started to pout because I did not like to be laughed at. Daddy noticed and he pecked my cheek.

" Well he is my twin." Daddy said and i gasped.

" But you- but he- I thought-" I couldn't process what he was telling me and it was very confusing.

" Well my name is Xavier I am the youngest twin." He said and I nodded.

" that makes sense." I say quietly. He just laughs. Daddy handed Xavier some money and then they exchanged a few words. Daddy came back to the couch and he set me in front of me and I gulped.

" So I was told that you didnt let Xavier bathe you why is that?" He asked and I shrugged looking down.

" What was that?" He asked his voice a little louder.

" I dont know." I said my head still low and my voice was quiet and sort of strained. He used his pointer finger and he lifted my chin and my eyes met his but I tried to put my head back down Daddy this time grabbed my face and held eye level until I stopped trying to move.

" Eye contact and verbal answers." He said and I nodded.

" I need a reason." He said his voice taunting now

" daddy because i didnt- i dont know." I said this time whining.

" Continue what you were gonna say before I dont know." He said and i sighed

" i didnt want him to see me because he isnt my daddy." I whispered and he nodded. He grabbed me and he kissed my forehead.

" That was a great reason." He said and I let out a breathe I didnt know that I was holding in. We watched movies for a while but I got bored but I couldn't do anything cause my ankle. Apparently it was gonna have to have to be in the boot for at least 6 weeks.

" Daddy I'm bored." I whind and he told me i could go and play in my playroom but I refused. Daddy said it was time to eat after I finished but I wasnt hungry either so he made me drink strawberry milk cause I needed to grow taller. Like no I'm already a grown up. I was laying on his lap again watching elf and he sticks his hand down my pants I decided that this would be more fun than watching elf. His hand touched my special white lace underwear that he has never actually seen me wear. He paused and he had to process it I felt nervous but he kept going. He grabbed my mini me ( okay lmaooooo the word member I weird so I'm try out different things for penis BYE ITS 2021 AND IM READING THIS I WANT TO CRYY) and he began to jerk me off slowly and I moaned and he just stopped.

" Daddyyy." I whined and he just shushed me and turned Elf down.

" I just wanna hear you, calm down." He said and I nodded even though I was frustrated because its been a while and I have needs. When he started again I became a moaning mess again. After about 10 minutes I was close.

" D-Daddy!" I moaned as he went faster which brought me to my climax. Daddy grabbed a tissue and he cleaned my stomach and he went to wash hands. When he came back I placed my head in his lap.

" Thank you Daddy." I say my voice shaking.

" No problem Baby." He said as he began to pet my head. I reached for his pants but he stopped me.

" Daddy-" I started but he shushed me.

" It was a reward you don't need to." He said and I nodded. He petted my head for a while and I began to fall asleep.

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