Cheater | Prinxiety, Rociet, Anciet

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"I'm feeling pretty good about this one. He's sweet and pretty. And for gods sakes, Pat, it's been 11 months. We're living together. You shouldn't still be speculating him." Virgil said, pulling into the restaurant's parking lot.

"It's my job to speculate. I'm your only dad-guy. And why are we here?" Patton asked. 

"I'm picking up dinner for the two of us. I ordered it earlier. Dee likes Italian, so that's what I'm getting." Virgil saw what reminded him of Dee's car across the lot, the same black with yellow trim, and saw a man get out of it. He had brown-red hair, wore a white jacket and pants and a red scarf. 

His phone rang.

"Hey, babe, I'm working late tonight. I'm so sorry. I'll be back home... oh, god, I don't even know when. So sorry." Dee's voice rang.

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you later. Love you." Virgil responded.

"I love you, too, baby," Dee said before hanging up. Virgil sighed.

"You and Logan like Italian?" Virgil asked, earning sympathy from Patton.

"Yeah. Sorry, kiddo." Patton said, looking out the window.

"It's ok-"

"Shut up, look." He pointed to the other man who got out of the black and yellow car. It was Dee. "Isn't that Dee?" He asked. 

"That can't be Dee, he doesn't have his..." Virgil looked at the man. He noticed the scars on the side of his face. "scars." he breathed. 

"Don't you think we should get him, ask him why he's lying?"

"N-No. I'm sure he has a good reason. We'll sneak into the restaurant, get the food for you and Logan and get out." Virgil undid his buckle and got out of the car, Patton soon mimicking his actions.

When they enter the restaurant they see Dee and the boy in the red scarf sitting across a candlelit table, holding hands.

"You're beautiful." The boy in the scarf said.

"Roman, I know you think that, but with these scars on my face. I can't see that as you do." Dee said. The boy, Roman, kissed his hand.

"Dee. You're my boyfriend. I love you. And I think that you're beautiful." Dee simply sighed.

"I love you too, Ro."

Virgil's heart broke. Roman. Not him. He didn't love him. He loved Roman.

"Now, now, now..." Patton started.

"Da-- Patton! Don't" He whisper yelled.

"What is this? Why are you here with this guy..." He pointed at Roman. "...when this guy..."  He pointed at Virgil. " your boyfriend?" Patton asked.

"Babe, what's going on?" Roman asked.

"I think I know," Virgil said. "I've been dating this man for 11 months . And now I found out that you are dating him and have for..."

"9 months," Roman said, his face falling.

"Yeah, and what sucks is, I didn't get sex from you for 10 months," he pointed at Virgil. Then at Roman. "and I didn't get sex from you for 7 months." Dee said before slamming his hands on the table and leaving.

"That guy's a lunatic," Virgil said, taking one of Roman's free breadsticks.

"No kidding."


"So how'd you meet Dee?" Roman asked. Virgil sighed and sat where Dee was.

"Kiddo, can I have the keys. I'll pick you up later if you need." Virgil handed him the keys and Patton left with their food.

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