chapter 2

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10:47 am
Ruby wakes up in her comfy red king-sized bed and stretches as she lets out a loud yawn. She was a bit hungover from last night, but she was sober enough to remember that she ended the bartender's existence. She felt great that night. Putting a man in his place made her feel powerful than all of the other men in the world.

Aside from Derrick, she couldn't stop thinking about that boy from the library. His soft and fluffy black hair, his cute smile, the way he stuttered when he spoke, and his hands were nearly shaking. Ruby wanted to get him so bad. She had a few guys before, but this special one had her wanting him more than ever.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her phone buzzed. She had gotten a text from Alexa.

From: LEXA🔥❤
Good morning biiitttchh!!! You wanna hang out again tonight? I know you ain't busy😉

Ruby couldn't help but laugh at her message. She could hear Alexa's voice in her head while reading the text.

Ruby replied,

Lol! Yeah, I'm free. We should check out the new lounge that recently opened!!

Ruby sends her message and gets up from her bed to get ready for today. 2 minutes later, Alexa replied.

From: LEXA🔥❤
Oh hell yeah!! I'm so down for that! I'll see you soon girl!!

Ruby replies, turns off her phone and gets ready to take a shower. After her shower, she decides to wear her sexy lingerie and robe. Because why not? She feels sexy all the damn time.

 Because why not? She feels sexy all the damn time

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Suddenly, the doorbell rings. She doesn't think twice to change her outfit. She didn't care who saw her like this. She walks up to her door and opens it. It was the same guy from the library.

"O-oh. Uh...hi ma'am. I don't know if you remember me but I was at your library yesterday." He says.

Ruby was ecstatic to see him again. But she obviously didn't show it.

"Oh yeah, I remember you. So what can I do for you?" Ruby asked.

"Well, I recently just moved into this building. I was just introducing myself to my neighbors and it looks like we are! I live 3 doors down from you." He said.

"Thank god!" Ruby thought.

"Oh well, that's good. Would you like to come inside? I was just about to make coffee or I'll make tea if you'd like." Ruby said.

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