chapter 24

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"Clark...." Ruby said.

She was completely frozen. She didn't expect to see him right now.

"So who's the lucky man?" Clark asked.

"It's not what it looks like. We were just saying goodnight and after we kissed, we both said it would be our last and we'd stay as friends. Nothing more." Ruby said.

"So it wasn't a date?" Clark asked.

"It was," Ruby said.

"Oh...okay," Clark said.

It was getting quiet between them. Clark bites his lips and looks down at his feet and Ruby plays with her fingers.

"So, how've you been?" They both said at the same time and laugh a little.

"I've been good. Still a little busy with school. What about you?" Clark asked.

"I've been doing good as well. Nothing crazy happened in my life." Ruby said.

"Yeah, I get you," Clark said.

It got quiet again. The awkward silence was just eating them up.

"So uh..." Ruby starts to say.

"You know, I should get going. Mandy's probably waiting for me in there." Clark said.

Hearing Clark say her name just made her sick to her stomach.

"Yeah. You should probably get going. I'll see you later." Ruby said.

"Bye Ruby," Clark says and he enters his apartment.

As he shuts the door, Ruby said:

"I miss you...."

She enters her apartment and plops down on her couch. Vivid thoughts ran through her mind. What could be going on with Clark and Mandy? Are they actually a thing? Are they currently fucking each other right now? Why is Mandy staying in his apartment?

To get rid of her thoughts, she heads straight to her kitchen and grabs a bottle of cherry vodka. She opens the bottle and takes a few sips. Then the sips turn into gulps. Then soon enough she started to feel a little tipsy. She goes to her bedroom, strips out of her clothes, and puts on her nightgown and robe.

She stumbles into the living room and grabs her bottle and sits on the couch to drink some more

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She stumbles into the living room and grabs her bottle and sits on the couch to drink some more. It got too quiet in there so she decided to play some tunes. She goes to her fancy stereo and turns it on hoping it'll be a good song.

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