chapter 15

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A month later...
After Clark's confession, Ruby's been pretty quiet. Ruby has tried to talk to him but she doesn't know what to say. Right now she's having brunch with Alexa. She needed some advice but at the same time, she still doesn't want to tell her about Clark.

"So, it's been quite a while! What's going on?" Alexa asked.

"Not much. Just working and whatever. And you?" Ruby asked.

"Well, I'm doing just fine. Now, why are we here today? You sounded worried on the phone this morning." Alexa said.

"Oh yeah um...I need to ask a random question." Ruby asked.

"Sure. What's up?" Alexa asked.

"When you and Trevor started dating, how long did it take for you guys to realize you love each other? Like who said it first?" Ruby asked.

Alexa stops sipping on her mimosa and gives her a confused look.

"Okay, where the hell is this coming from?" Alexa asked.

"Just answer my question please," Ruby said.

"Okay well, since we were already friends before we started dating, when we were dating for almost 5 months, Trevor said it first. We were already comfortable with each other and us being in a relationship felt no different. The only thing that changed was the friend label of course. We're boyfriend and girlfriend now."

"So it didn't feel awkward at all?" Ruby asked.

"No. Not at all. Now it's my turn to ask a question. Why are we talking about this?" Alexa asked.

"I was just curious," Ruby said.

"That can't be the this about Clark?" Alexa said.

"No! I-It's not about him at all," Ruby said.

"Okay?..." Alexa said.

"I'm sorry that came out of nowhere...I just wanted to know." Ruby said.

"Are you sure this has nothing to do with Clark? Are you dating him?" Alexa asked.

"No Alexa. We're not dating at all." Ruby said.

"Well, that's good because I got something to tell you. Remember William? He's been asking me about you! He wants to see you again!" Alexa said.

"He does?" Ruby asked.

"Yes!! I don't know what you did to him but he told he can't stop thinking about you! I honestly think you two would be cute!" Alexa said.

"I mean I don't know about that. I never even gave him my number, to begin with." Ruby said.

"That can be fixed right now! I can text William your number and we'll see where it goes from there." Alexa said.

Ruby didn't know what to do. She wants to see Clark and talk to him. She also wanted to see William again. She felt some type of connection, but not to the point where she'd date him.

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