chapter 34

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Tonight was the night. Ruby and Clark were going to be intimate yet again. But she had promised some new toys. There was a lot that she wanted to show him, she didn't want to scare him or pressure him.

Clark approached Ruby's door and sees that there's a note.

There's a key under the mat for you. Meet me in the playroom with your back facing the door. Can't wait to do more things with you.
-Ruby ;)

Clark already started to feel horny just by reading that note. He grabs the key to unlock the door and steps into her apartment. With each step he took towards the playroom he felt his palms start to feel sweaty. His heartbeat was nearly beating out of his chest. All he could about was what new things did they plan on trying. He walks in there and looks around the room. Remembering the first time they had sex in here. And then the lights started to dim. He was about to turn around to make it bright again, but Ruby snuck up behind him with her arms wrapped around him.

"Hi there," Ruby said.

"H-Hi...." Clark said.

"It's been hell waiting for you. I wish time went by faster just so I can see you hours earlier." Ruby said.

"M-Me h-how come I can't s-see you yet?" Clark asked.

"You know how I love to tease," Ruby said.

Ruby wraps her hand around Clark's neck softly and gives it light kisses. Clark bites his lip trying not to moan already.

"I want you, Clark. Do you want me?" Ruby asked.

Clark was in a trance with her lips on him that he couldn't respond. She then traces her lip to his ear and bites on it.

"I said, do you want me?" Ruby asked.

"Yes..." Clark said.

"Yes, what?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

"Strip down. Take it all off. But don't turn around." Ruby said.

"Yes, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

Clark starts to slowly take off every piece of clothing. One by one.

"Is this good Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"It's great. Now hands behind your back." Ruby said.

Clark obeys and puts his hands behind his back so that Ruby can tie them with rope.

"Is that rope Miss Ruby? This is new." Clark said.

"I know. Now get down on your knees." Ruby demanded.

Clark nods and does what he is told. He then felt something push him down so that his face is down and his ass is up. It was her red leather thigh high boots. She walks around him making her heels click on the floor.

"Are those news shoes Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"Yes, they are. You like?" Ruby asked.

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