chapter 30

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5:30 pm
Ruby and Clark were still cuddling in bed. They might've gone another round as well. They play with each other's hair and smile.

"What are you thinking about?" Ruby asked.

"How much of an idiot I've been lately," Clark said.

"Well, that makes two of us," Ruby said.

"Why did we let it get that far? We both knew what we wanted and we still played dumb." Clark said.

"Yeah. But that doesn't matter anymore. I'm here now. With you." Ruby said.

"I'm so happy to be here with you Ruby," Clark said.

"Me too Clark. But can I ask you something?" Ruby asked.

"Sure," Clark said.

"What are you gonna do with Mandy?" Ruby asked.

"I honestly don't know," Clark said.

"Well you're gonna have to explain to her somehow," Ruby said.

"Well, I don't wanna worry about her. All I wanna focus on is you." Clark said.

Ruby kisses his cheek.

"I swear you are too cute!" She said.

"Aww stop," Clark said.

"I'm so serious. Even if we're trying to be sexy and all, you just melt my heart with your cuteness." Ruby said.

Clark nuzzles his head into her bare chest and plants small kisses.

"She scares me...." Clark mumbled.

"What was that?" Ruby asked.

"Mandy scares me," Clark said.

"Mandy scares you?" Ruby asked

Clark nods and clings to her body like a baby.

"Oh Clark...I'm so sorry." Ruby said.

"It's not your fault. I've just been afraid to leave her because I don't know what she'll do to me." Clark said.

Just then, she heard a knock at the front door.

"I'll get that. You just stay here." Ruby said.

She gets up to put on a robe and answers the door.

"Oh uh...hi Mandy," Ruby said.

"Hey! Did I catch you at a bad time?" Mandy asked.

"Oh not at all. Just hopped out the shower." Ruby lied.

"Oh okay. Well if you don't mind I need to talk to you." Mandy said.

"You wanna talk? About what?" Ruby asked.

"I think you know what," Mandy says as she slightly pushes Ruby out of the way to walk into her apartment.

"Well come on in," Ruby said sarcastically.

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