chapter 5

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4 months later
Ruby had quit her librarian job and started working as a bartender at Moonshine. She had got tired of the atmosphere and wanted something new. Her job made her feel even better. She loved mixing drinks, chatting with the customers and of course checking out the cute men.

Ruby and Clark's friendship has been growing a lot recently. They've been hanging out in each other's apartments, watching movies, taking some late night walks, and yet he still doesn't know that she knows that he's been watching her. The thought of him jerking off to her made her feel good. She had him wrapped around her finger and he didn't even know.

However, Alexa has been catching on to Ruby's behavior lately. She noticed that she's been in a good mood and of course, like any best friend, she wants to know why.

Right now, she's with Ruby at her job. It's almost closing time and she's sitting at the bar watching her wipe down the counter.

"'ve you been?" Alexa asked.

"I've been good. It's been a while since we've seen each other!" Ruby said.

"Mhmm. And why is that?" Alexa asked.

"I don't know. Busy with work obviously." Ruby said.

"Oh okay. You sure it wasn't something else? Or should I say someone else?" Alexa asked.

Ruby stops wiping the counter and takes a second to process what she said.

"What in the hell do you mean Alexa?" Ruby asked.

"I mean, we haven't been seeing each other because you're obviously with a man!! I wanna know who it is!" Alexa said.

"Okay, first of all, calm down. And second of all, yes I've been with a man. And third, no we are not together." Ruby said.

"So you have been seeing someone!! Oh my god! Give me the details!" Alexa said.

"Jesus Alexa...I should've kept my mouth shut." Ruby said.

"You damn right but now it's too late so spill!!" Alexa says as she bangs on the counter of excitement.

"Alright! Alright! Here's the story. We met at my job at the library, and then he coincidentally moved into the same building as me and we've been hanging out ever since. Nothing more." Ruby said. She obviously left out the "important" part but she didn't want Alexa to go insane.

"Aww come on! That's lame! No sex? No blowjob? Fingering? P to V ratio?" Alexa asked.

"Okay, I think you had way too much to drink," Ruby says as she walks Alexa to the exit.

"Okay. You can keep dodging this question all you want. But I'm gonna know sooner or later!" Alexa says while laughing with her tongue stuck out.

"Alright, goodnight Alexa," Ruby says as she playfully pushes her out the door.

"Goodnight hoe," Alexa says as she walks off.

Ruby shakes her head and laughs and closes the door. It was now just her in the lounge. She finishes cleaning, stacks up the glasses, and gets ready to lock up. It was getting pretty late and she didn't want to walk home by herself. So she called Clark.

C: Hello?
R: Clark?
C: Oh hi! How are you?
R: I'm doing good! Do you mind walking me back home?
C: Oh uh...funny story...

Clark walks into the lounge wearing a nice suit and holding a bouquet of roses

"I was just about to get to you," Clark said.

Ruby was so delighted to see that he was thinking about her. She still couldn't believe that a guy like him would do that for her.

"Are those for me?" Ruby asked.

"Y-yes. I got you r-roses. I remember how you said they were your favorite f-flowers. Especially red ones." Clark says as he hands her the flowers.

Ruby was just astonished by his actions. Then she started to put the pieces together. Could he be asking her out on a date?

"So what brings you here Clark?" Ruby asked.

"W-well...I uh...I was just wondering i-if..." Clark couldn't even put words together. Seeing her now just made him even more nervous. Ruby puts her hand on his cheek.

"Slow down. What do you wanna ask me?" Ruby asked.

"W-would you like to go on a date with me Ruby?" Clark asked.

Ruby was surprised that not only did he ask her out, but he actually called her Ruby. Not Miss Ruby. He actually started to feel comfortable with her.

"Of course Clark. I would love to go on a date with you." Ruby said.

Clark's eyes lit up with happiness.

"That's great! Well, I already set reservations at this amazing restaurant!" Clark said.

"Wow. So you assumed I was gonna say yes." Ruby said.

"Was that a bad thing?..." Clark asked and got a little scared.

"Oh no! No that's a good thing! You were already planning ahead. I like that." Ruby said.

Clark sighs out of relief. "Oh okay. You kinda scared me for a second." He said.

Ruby giggles at his nervousness. "Aw, I'm sorry." She said.

Clark then holds out his arm towards Ruby.

"So shall we?" Clark asked.

"We shall," Ruby says as she hooks her arm with his and he leads her to his car and opens the door for her.

"Why thank you, Clark," Ruby says as she slides in the vehicle.

"You're welcome, Ruby," Clark says as he closes the door.

Ruby thought to herself how did she get so lucky to have a guy like Clark as a friend. From the texting, the hangouts, the phone calls, and now the fancy date. It was all coming clear to her. He has definitely fallen for Ruby throughout those 4 months. And surprisingly, Ruby was falling for Clark too. Just a little bit. However, she couldn't wait to show him her sexual fantasies. Maybe this night could be it. Who knows?

Awww! Clark asked Ruby out! Y'all think they're gonna go all the way afterward? Lemme know! Comment! Vote! Follow!

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