chapter 32

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10:30 am
Ruby wakes up with a smile on her face. Last night, she finally got the man of her dreams. The memories kept playing in her head as she hugged her pillow and giggles to herself. But then a frown appeared on her face when she doesn't see Clark next to her. She assumed he had gone back to his apartment and Mandy was probably there. She then started to remember the story she told Clark last night about Baron...

6 years earlier...
Ruby and Baron were having the time of their lives at his house party. Baron had Ruby pinned against a corner, making out with their hands all over each other.

"Baron stooopp," Ruby whined playfully.

"You don't want me to stop baby," Baron said.

"Can you get me a drink please?" Ruby asked.

"Sure. You stay right here. I'll get us drinks." Baron said.

He walks away to get the drinks. Ruby stays in the corner watching all of the people dancing, drinking, playing risky games. Typical shit you see at a teenage house party. Baron returns to Ruby with the drinks.

"Here you go, babe!" Baron said.

"Thanks!" Ruby said.

"You know...I'm feeling sexy tonight." Baron said as he grabs her ass.

Ruby jumps and squeals.

"Baron stop. You need to learn how to control yourself." Ruby said.

Baron hands her the drink.

"Come on baby, you gotta let loose! It's almost summer break!" Baron said.

"Well...I guess you're right. Bottoms up!" Ruby said.

Baron and Ruby chug their drinks. He slightly pushes Ruby's up even more so she can drink it all.

"There you go, babe! That's the spirit!" Baron shouted.

Ruby laughs at his goofiness.

"You're insane!" Ruby said.

"I know I am! Let's dance!" Baron said.

Baron drags her to the living room to dance and their favorite song comes on.

Baron wiggles his eyebrows at her.

"You know you can't resist this song," Baron said.

"Of course not," Ruby said.

Ruby turns around and pushes up against Baron's body. His hands roamed all over her body as she grinds on him. She bends down and shakes her ass a little. Giving him a tease. Baron pulls her back up and whispers in her ear.

"Baby girl....don't do that," Baron said.

Ruby wanted to tease him even more and grinds on him even harder. She then felt something poke her ass.

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