chapter 47

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(Mentions of rape.)

The next morning, Ruby had an important visit. She had received a call from Xavier and told her to go to Attica Correctional Facility. She didn't know why she'd be spending her morning in jail but she assumed it had something to with Clark and Alexa's kidnapping. So she went there and approached a lady at the front desk.

"Hi, ma'am. I received a call from Detective Xavier. He told me to come down." Ruby said.

"Yes, he wants to meet you in interrogation room B.," the lady said.

"Thank you," Ruby said.

She walks to interrogation room B door and walks in to see Xavier smoking a cigarette in low light.

"Good morning Xavier. I got here as fast as I could. Is everything alright?" Ruby asked.

"I should be asking you that," Xavier said.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked.

"I'm talking about Baron," Xavier said.

"Oh uh...I know he kidnapped Clark and Alexa, but I'm fine Xavier. He didn't hurt me." Ruby said.

"What about 6 years ago? Did he hurt you then?" Xavier asked.

Ruby froze in shock.

"W-What are you talking about?" Ruby asked.

"I'm talking about that case that hasn't been solved for 6 years, Ruby!! This is the case I told you about!" Xavier said.

"What case?" Ruby asked.

"6 years ago, a rape had been reported and it turns out that you were the victim," Xavier said.

"I have no idea what you are talking about...." Ruby said.

"Ruby! Do not lie to me! I know Baron raped you!!" Xavier said.

"And how the fuck do you know that???" Ruby asked.

"Because he told me!!!" Xavier said.

Ruby couldn't believe what she just heard. Baron had confessed to a rape that happened 6 years ago. She thought he had forgotten about it.

"Baron told you?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. And why didn't you tell me or your parents?" Xavier asked.

"It was 6 years one would care," Ruby said.

Monica and Johnathan come into the room.

"But we do," Johnathan said.

"You should've told us about this. We would've done something right away to help. And to think I wanted you to get back with him. I hope he rots in hell." Monica said.

"Ruby, can you explain to me what happened 6 years ago?" Xavier asked.

"You're gonna let her relive that horrid moment?" Johnathan asked.

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