chapter 10

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Alexa was at Ruby's house after she had gotten home from work. They were having a few drinks and watching a cliche reality TV show.

"Yaaas bitch!!! Whoop dat ass!!" Alexa shouted at the TV.

Ruby laughs at her. "Girl, you're so engaged in this shit." She said.

"Because this is some juicy drama!! And speaking of juicy drama...."

Alexa muted the TV.

"What's up with you and Clark? When am I gonna meet this guy? I mean I saw the back of his head at the restaurant." Alexa said.

"Can you give us some time? I don't even think we're exclusive yet." Ruby said.

Alexa smirked. "Oh really?" She asked.

"Yeah. We're not officially together. We never really brought that question up." Ruby said.

"Foreal?" Alexa asked.

"Yep. Don't think I'm hiding something from you because I'm not." Ruby said.

"Well now that you said that, you're obviously hiding something from me! I will turn into Sherlock Holmes if I need to and investigate this shit!" Alexa said.

Ruby chuckled. "Alexa, why do you wanna know so bad?" She asked.

"Because I need to know what's making you all happy. Don't think I haven't noticed a change in your aura. No offense, but you used to be a cold ass bitch. But now you're warmed up on the inside and Clark is definitely the reason!! My bestie is in love!!" Alexa shouted.

Ruby clamps her hand over Alexa's mouth.

"First of all, lower your voice because these walls are thin, and second of all I'm not in love," Ruby said.

Alexa removes her hand from her mouth. "Yeah right haha!" She said.

Then there was a knock on the door making Alexa gasp.

"Please tell me that's him," Alexa said.

Ruby was afraid to open the door. She had a strong feeling that it was Clark.

"I hope not. He does not need to see you this drunk." Ruby says as she gets up from the couch and opens the door slightly...and there he was.

"Hi," Clark said.

"Oh...hey." Ruby leans in closer and whispers to him. "Do you think you can come over another time? I have a friend over and-"

Alexa opens the door wide open.

"Heyyy! You must be Clark! I'm Alexa. Ruby's best friend." Alexa says as she holds her hand out.

Clark shakes her hand.

"N-nice to meet you, Alexa," Clark said.

"So yeah like I was saying do you mind coming back another time because-" Ruby was interrupted again by Alexa.

"No no no! Invite him in! The more the merrier!" Alexa says as she pulls him into the apartment.

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