chapter 19

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Ruby approaches Clark's door and knocks on it. Clark opens the door.

"You're here," Clark said.

"Yeah...I'm here..." Ruby said.

"Well come on in," Clark says as he leads her into his apartment and they both sit on the couch.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Clark asked.

"No thanks. I'm fine." Ruby said.

They both sit in silence for a few minutes and Ruby speaks up.

" got my text," Ruby said.

"Y-yeah. I did. I think we need to settle things straight between us." Clark said.

"I agree. I think we're misunderstanding things about each other or something." Ruby said.

"I think so too," Clark said.

"So who wants to go first?" Ruby asked.

"You can go first," Clark said.

"Alright...Clark, you are an amazing guy. You're very sweet too. All the things that you've done for me and done with me have been incredible. I just wasn't expecting you to say that you love me. I didn't know how to react. I was shocked that you could ever love a girl like me. I never thought I'd have someone like you to care for me the way that you do. That's why I've been quiet. I didn't know how to approach you just like you didn't know how to approach me. I guess we were both completely afraid of our feelings. And we didn't know how to overcome them. And then, seeing you with Mandy...that really hurt me. It made me assume that you were filling this void in your heart with Mandy. I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm just letting you know right now...I love you too Clark." Ruby says while trying to hold back the tears.

"Well...I'm glad you feel that way...but I'm sorry Ruby. I just felt that you kinda avoided me after I confessed my feelings for you. I thought you just wanted to use me for your sexual pleasures. So I tried so hard to not get attached because I didn't think you would love me either. But the first time we had sex, it was a spell. You really mesmerized me and it made me think about you nonstop. And the more we hung out, the more I got attached to you. So yeah I wrote you a letter confessing my love for you because I couldn't do it in person. And when you didn't speak to me for a month, I felt alone." Clark said.

"Well, I'm sorry I made you feel that way. So...what about Mandy?" Ruby asked.

Mandy is a friend from college. We've known each other for a while now. And one night, we were hanging out at my apartment and we were studying. I might've told her about our situation. I was just venting to her...and she was telling me how I deserve better and that you were crazy for leaving me hanging like that. And then she kissed me and I kissed her back and one thing led to another and...we hooked up. But I swear, it didn't mean anything Ruby. I was-"

Ruby interrupts Clark.

"So you and Mandy actually had sex?" Ruby asked.

"Yes we did but-"

Ruby interrupts Clark again.

"Okay, that's all I wanted to know." Ruby gets up from the couch but Clark grabs her hand.

"Ruby wait...please don't go." Clark pleaded.

Ruby's eyes start to water.

"No, I need to leave," Ruby said.

Clark steps closer to her.

"Look, I really didn't think things would get crazy between Mandy and me. And I didn't think it would get to you because I didn't know that you love me back. It just happened Ruby." Clark said.

"What do you mean it just happened? Stuff like that doesn't just happen. Like when we did it." Ruby said.

"Please don't be mad at me Ruby," Clark said.

"Well, I don't know what else to say, Clark. I you not love me anymore?" Ruby asked.

"I...I don't know anymore Ruby. I'm sorry." Clark said.

"No. I'm sorry. For figuring out my feelings too late. I think we should end this." Ruby said.

"End what?" Clark asked.

"This fiasco between us. We're obviously not interested in each other anymore. You found a better woman for you and I'm okay with that. I just want you to be happy Clark." Ruby said.

"But Ruby-"

"I constantly played with your emotions and quite frankly, I deserve this. I shouldn't be mad at all that you found Mandy. I'm sure she'll treat you a whole lot better than what I would have done." Ruby said.

"No Ruby...please don't say that. I still want you in my life." Clark said.

"The only thing in your life I wanna be is yours. Only yours. But you have Mandy." Ruby said.

"Mandy isn't my girlfriend we just hooked up one time and that was it. I doubt that it'll happen again, Ruby. Just please don't leave me." Clark begged.

Ruby's voice starts to break. "I'm sorry Clark. I can't be around you anymore...."

And then someone knocks at Clark's door.

"Come in!" Clark yells.

Mandy comes in.

"Hey, Clark! I'm sorry was I interrupting something?" Mandy asked.

"Ye-" Clark uttered but Ruby cut him off yet again.

"No, not at all. I was just leaving. You two have a lovely day." Ruby says as she quickly leaves Clark's apartment and goes to hers.

She slams her door shut and grabs a pillow nearby to cry into. She blamed herself for everything leading to this. Hiding her emotions and being stubborn cost Ruby her only chance to be with him. She let him go.

Uh oh. Looks like the Ruby and Clark ship has sunk💔 Sorry everyone! Don't hate me😭😭
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