chapter 9

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9:36 am
Ruby wakes up to find Clark still clinging onto her body while sleeping peacefully. She thought it was the most adorable thing in the world. He looked like a tired puppy to her. Last night's thoughts ran through her mind vividly. Her dominating him. His whimpers. Hearing him beg. The marks she left on him. It was all amazing. Clark opens his eyes to see her staring at him.

"Good morning," Clark says as he stretches like a sleepy kitten.

"Good morning Clark. How'd you sleep?" Ruby asked as she rubs his head.

"Good. Very good." Clark said.

"I bet. You liked what you had last night?" Ruby asked.

"I really did. I never had anything like that." Clark said.

"Is that so?" Ruby asked.

Clark hides his face in her neck and blushes. "Yeah." He said.

He was being so bashful about the whole thing. And Ruby thought it was just too cute.

"I would go now but I really wanna stay here," Clark said.

"No, you need to go. I know you have class today." Ruby said.

"Well, I'm willing to risk my education for today and just be with you all day!" Clark said.

Ruby chuckles. "Come on. You gotta get up." She said.

"Ugh, fiiinne," Clark says as he gets out of bed and gets dressed.

"I hope I didn't mark you too much," Ruby said.

"Oh don't worry. You're fine. I'll see you around." Clark says as he starts to walk out of her room. But Ruby grabs his arms and pulls him on top of her and kisses him.

"Alright. I'll see you." Ruby says and she gives his butt a playful slap. Clark laughs and leaves her apartment. Ruby lays in bed for a while and her phone starts to ring.

R: Hello?

A: Good mooorrnning!!!

R: You sound way too happy right now.

A: Because Trevor and I had a wonderful night!!

R: What y'all did?

A: Well two days ago, we went to this very special restaurant for our anniversary and then today we went to this very nice spa and then we got home and know. Use your imagination haha!

R: Sure sounds like a fun night.

A: It was!!! But now that I'm talking about it, Remember when you told me that Clark took you to a fancy restaurant as well?

R: Yeah why?

A: What's the name of the restaurant?

R: I think it was Chez Abélia's


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