chapter 6

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Clark and Ruby arrive at the restaurant. It has tables outside and on the balcony. Couples are seated everywhere. Classy jazz music plays throughout the place.

"Oh, my Clark. This is just amazing." Ruby said.

"Aw, it was nothing. I thought you'd like this." Clark said.

"Well, I love it a lot," Ruby said.

"Okay, let's find our table," Clark said.

Clark and Ruby walk up to the hostess.

"Hi! Do you have a reservation?" She asked.

"Yes, I do. Under the name Clark. Table for 2." Clark said.

She skims through her book and finds his name.

"Ah yes. Clark Ackermann. Follow me please." She said.

Clark and Ruby follow her to the rooftop finding a single table with candles and some champagne on the side of the table.

"Enjoy your night sir and ma'am." She says and walks back downstairs.

Ruby slowly walks towards the table.

"Oh my goodness Clark. You did all of this for me?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. I know this may come off too strong too soon, but I really wanted to do this." Clark said.

"Well, this is just incredible!" Ruby says as she hugs him tightly.

Clark wraps his arms around her waist and buried his head into her neck just taking in her lovely candy apple scent.

"I'm glad you liked it. And I already ordered us food too. Your favorite." Clark said.

"Lobster tail, mashed potatoes with greens beans and garlic bread on the side." They both said at the same time.

Ruby was impressed. "You have been paying attention." She said.

"Always," Clark said.

They both sit down and begin to sip some champagne while they wait for their food.

"So how long you've been planning this?" Ruby asked.

"Since last month. Getting reservations was not easy at all." Clark said.

"I bet. This table must have been so hard to get." Ruby said.

"Oh, it was. But it was all worth it!" Clark said.

Eventually, the waiter came with their food.

"Here you are. You two have a lovely evening." He said.

"Thank you," Ruby said.

"Thanks so much," Clark said.

The waiter walks away and Ruby speaks up.

"This looks so delicious!" Ruby said.

"I know! They have the best food! So let's dig in!" Clark said.

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