chapter 7

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The next morning, Ruby woke up feeling great. Last night was simply amazing. She already had Clark wrapped around her finger and now she was going to make him even more vulnerable. Hearing him confess his feelings sparked the fire in her. She already knew that he liked her. She just wanted to hear him say it. And seeing him squirming under her touch and hearing his cute little whimpers satisfied her to the max. And tonight, she plans on breaking him.

Ruby had invited Alexa to her apartment and Ruby is making coffee for both of them.

"You look like you're glowing," Alexa said.

"Am I?" Ruby asked, trying to play stupid.

"Yes, you are. Oh my god! You and your mystery man had sex didn't you?!" Alexa asked.

"Shhh lower your damn voice. His name is Clark by the way, and no, we didn't have sex. He's just making me feel happy." Ruby said.

"Oh....and how so?" Alexa asked.

"Well last night, after you left the lounge, Clark came by and took me on a date," Ruby said.

"Aww, no way!!! Where did y'all go?" Alexa asked.

"We just went to this fancy restaurant and we had a private table on the rooftop," Ruby said.

"Daaaaaamn. He definitely got that money. He wants to spoil you!! I want that!!" Alexa said.

"Uh hello? You have Trevor! He spoils you all the time. Spoils you with sex." Ruby said.

Alexa blushes. "Yeah, you're right. And it's soooo damn good!" She said.

Ruby laughs. "Alright! I don't need to hear that!" She said.

"Well, then you should be getting some as well. I mean you're obviously not a virgin but you just don't seem sexually attracted to men and I don't know why. I'm telling you, you're probably gay." Alexa said.

Ruby chuckles. "I'm not Alexa. I just don't know why these men don't want me. I mean I've had a few guys before but it just didn't work out. Why? We'll never know." She said.

"Well, you have Clark! Maybe he'll be different!" Alexa says.

Ruby starts to daydream about Clark. Hearing those whimpers again as she bites her lip. "Yeah...a whole lot different." She said.

Alexa waves her hand in Ruby's face trying to bring her back to reality. "Uhhh...Ruby?" She asked, trying to get her attention.

Ruby blinks and shakes her head. "I'm sorry. Was I daydreaming?" Ruby asked.

"You were. What the hell were you thinking about?" Alexa asked.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all..." Ruby said.

"Okay? Well, I gotta go. Thanks for the coffee girl!" Alexa said.

"You're welcome! I'll see you soon!" Ruby said.

Alexa leaves her apartment.

Ruby walks back into her room and sees all of the letters that Clark sent her on her bed. In less than 24 hours, Clark's been writing her lots of letters and sliding them under her door. Cute letters, happy letters, even naughty letters. He was excited to come over tonight and just let her do whatever to him.

Ruby wanted to make sure that this night was gonna be perfect. She steps into her walk-in closet and pushes her clothes to the side to reveal her toys. Whips, chains, ropes, handcuffs, dildos, ball gags, blindfolds, any sex toy you can think of, she has it. She skims around and finds the perfect one to use.


Ruby was sitting on her couch in her red lingerie and sipping some wine.

Ruby was sitting on her couch in her red lingerie and sipping some wine

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She was ready for Clark to come by so she could pounce on him. And then there was a knock on the door.

"It's open!" Ruby shouted.

The door opens and slow footsteps approach behind her and then he speaks up.

"H-hi Miss Ruby..." Clark uttered.

"Hello, Clark. I've been waiting for you." Ruby says as she gets up and walks towards him.

Clark's jaw drops low when he sees her attire. He was getting weaker.

"Y-you were?" Clark asked.

Ruby grabs Clark's shirt and pulls him closer. "Yeah...I was thinking about you all day. And now you're finally here." She said.

"What are you gonna do Miss Ruby?" Clark asked.

"Just leave that to me," Ruby says as she pushes him down on the couch and straddles him.

Clark reaches to grab her ass but Ruby smacks his hands away.

"Did I say you can touch me?" Ruby asked.

"No Miss Ruby," Clark said.

"You can touch me when I say so. Got it?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

Ruby smashes her lips onto his and slips some tongue. Clark moans into her mouth as he grips onto the leather couch.

Ruby pulls away and whispers in his ear.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes," Clark said.

Hey, I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. College has been keeping me busy as hell! I'm posting another one after this so stay tuned!! I also apologize for this short ass chapter!

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