chapter 12

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The blasting music, the flashing colorful lights, the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor. Seemed like a typical Saturday night. Ruby, Alexa, Trevor, and William were hanging out in the VIP section because Trevor had known a guy that works there.

"Oh my god, this place is so fucking hype!" Ruby shouted.

"I know right!? Thank god for Trevor!" Alexa said.

Trevor puts her arm around Alexa and kisses her cheek.

"Anything for my baby girl," Trevor said.

Then William comes up to Ruby and starts a conversation.

"So tell me about yourself!" William said.

"Okay uh...well I'm 23, I moved here from Florida and I'm a bartender at Moonshine," Ruby said.

"Cool. I used to work there" William said.

"So what about you?" Ruby asked

"I'm 26, I came from Havana and I am a doctor," William said.

"Oh wow, Havana! You're Cuban?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah," William said.

"That's cool! I bet you can dance very well." Ruby said.

"I mean I do alright," William said.

Then a new song begins to play.

"Well, there's only one way to find out. Dance with me!" Ruby said.

"Seriously?" William asked.

"I'm dead serious. Come on let's get loose." Ruby said.

William accepts her offer and grabs her hand and leads her to the dancefloor. They start with a simple two-step. Then Ruby moves her hips to the beat. William seems intrigued by her moves so he gets a little closer. He puts his hands on her hips guiding her to the music. He leans to her ear to ask her something.

"Is this okay Ruby?" William asked.

This was surprising to her. A guy like him asking if feeling on her hips was acceptable to her. Most guys would've just grabbed her ass with no question.

"Yes, this is fine William. Just don't go lower than that." Ruby said.

"Sure. I got you." William said.

Ruby and William continue to dance together and Alexa and Trevor are watching them from the VIP section.

"Look at them, babe. It looks like he's really into her." Trevor said.

"I mean I guess," Alexa said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Trevor asked.

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