chapter 50

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Ruby and Clark are making out against Ruby's door as she tries to unlock it.

" wait," Ruby says as she unlocks and opens the door.

Then Clark tackles her on the couch and continues kissing her. Ruby grips on his hair and he kisses her harder.

"I fucking love you, Ruby," Clark said.

"I love you too Clark. I wanna make love to you so bad." Ruby said.

"No," Clark said.

"No?" Ruby asked.

"I'm feeling....really kinky tonight," Clark said.

"Oh, are you?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. I wanna go to the playroom. I want you to do your worst. Use me. Break me. Make me weak. Make me want you over and over again. I want all of you. Fuck me, Miss Ruby. My sexy fiancée." Clark said.

This came as a shock to her. She thought that it was gonna be a passionate night. But Clark wanted to be real playful tonight.

"Well....since you put it that way, meet me in the playroom," Ruby said.

"Yes, Miss Ruby!" Clark says as he runs to the playroom all excited.

Ruby goes to her bedroom and strips down to her red bra and underwear. She wanted to be simple but her toys were anything but that.

She returns to the room seeing Clark sitting on the bed on his knees just eager to play with her.

"I'm ready Miss Ruby," Clark said.

"I hope you are because I have a very special toy," Ruby said.

"What's that?" Clark asked.

Ruby reveals a 9-inch red strap on that she's been hiding behind her back. Clark's eyes almost bulge out of his head.

"Holy shit..." Clark said.

"I didn't think I'd show you this it is. I hope you don't think I'm disgusting." Ruby said.

"No Miss Ruby. I don't think you're disgusting. I mean you try new things every day. And I'm willing to try this tonight." Clark said.

Ruby gets on the bed with Clark.

"You are?" Ruby asked.

"Yes. I want this night to be amazing." Clark said.

Clark grabs Ruby's face and pulls her in for a lustful kiss. Clark climbs on top of her so he can gain some sort of control. Ruby reaches down to grab Clark's ass making him giggle in the kiss.

"So frisky," Clark said.

"Strip for me," Ruby said.

"Okay, Miss Ruby," Clark said.

Clark gets off the bed and starts to strip every piece of his clothing one by one while staring into Ruby's eyes. While watching him strip, Ruby puts on the strap-on.

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