chapter 13

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Ruby was watching TV in her living room and sipping on some honey and lemon tea. She thought about last night and smiled. To her, William seemed like a very nice guy. He didn't give off that toxic masculine vibe. But again, she still felt bad that she lied to Clark. She could've just told him she was going on a double since they're not together.

And then there was a knock on the door. She gets up from the couch and answers it. It was Ruby's mother, Monica. Monica looks exactly like Ruby, but definitely more mature. 5'7, medium black hair, and dark brown eyes.

"Mom!" Ruby exclaims as she gives her a big hug.

Monica laughs and hugs her back.

"Hi, pumpkin!" How are you?" Monica asked.

"I'm happier now that you're here!!" Ruby says as she leads her to the living room and they sit on the couch. "So what are you doing here?" She asked.

"What? A mother can't visit her daughter? And give her a special treat?" Monica says and smirks as she reaches for her bag.

Ruby gasped and claps her hands so excitedly. "Oh my goodness. You didn't!" She said.

Monica pulls out a Tupperware container of her famous peach cobbler and sets it on the coffee table. "Oh...but I did." She said.

Ruby kisses Monica's cheek.

"This is why I love you, mom!" She said.

"Well, I know how much you love it! Now enough about that, let's talk about you! It's been a while! Still a little sad that you quit working at the library." Monica said.

Ruby chuckles. "I know mom. But it started to get boring and I wanted something new." She said.

"Yeah, I get it. Any boys that you've been seeing?" Monica asked.

"Okay well, that took a turn. And no I haven't been seeing anyone." Ruby said.

"Well you know you can always get back with B-" Ruby interrupts Monica.

"For the love of God, I'm not getting with Baron," Ruby said.

Baron was Ruby's high school sweetheart. They've dated between sophomore year to senior year. He broke up with her because he thought she was going to cheat on him when she moved to New York. So he didn't want anything to do with her. So first Clark, then William, and now Baron's in the picture.

"Listen, I'm sure he's grown enough to know that he'll trust you now. I know it was wrong for him to just let you go like that, but I would give him another chance." Monica said.

"Yeah....not gonna happen," Ruby said.

Monica laughs a little. "Alright. It was worth a shot." She said.

Then there was another knock on the door. Monica offers to get the door and she sees Clark.

"Hi, can I help you?" Monica asked.

"Hi Ruby here?" Clark asked.

Ruby comes up to the door and hugs Clark.

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