chapter 39

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2 weeks later...
As of now, Mandy's threats became very uncommon. She hasn't been sending any kind of threats lately which concerned Clark but it didn't affect Ruby. Clark and Ruby have been spending some time apart which isn't bad at all. They call and they text or sext if you will. And Clark has been bonding with Xavier pretty well. It's almost like he's becoming a second dad to him.

"Come on boy! You can do better than that!" Xavier said.

"You know I'm terrible at these sports games!" Clark laughed.

"We've been practicing for two weeks, dude! I thought you were getting the hang of it." Xavier said.

"Well, I'm not talented like you Xavier," Clark said.

"Aww, you think I'm talented?" Xavier asked.

"Very! You should become a professional gamer on the side." Clark said.

"That was my dream but then I had a sudden taste of solving crimes and helping people," Xavier said.

"You're doing an amazing thing," Clark said.

"Thank you. And of course, my top priority at the moment is protecting you and I wanted us to bond as well. I didn't want to be just some guardian." Xavier said.

"That's very nice of you. It's pretty cool having a temporary roommate" Clark said.

"Right? Ain't it cool? I'm like your second dad or something." Xavier said.

"Perfect way to explain it!" Clark said.

"Can I ask you something?" Xavier asked.

"Sure," Clark said.

"Did you ever think you'd end up in this situation?" Xavier asked.

"Never. I thought I could tell Mandy that I don't love her and that I never loved her. I thought that as my friend, she'd understand. Now she's just insane. And I don't know why threatening me or Ruby is gonna make me fall in love with her again. I love Ruby. I belong to Ruby. I just wish she could just accept that." Clark said.

"I get what you're saying. It's people like her that have very low self-esteem. She feels the need to inflict fear on somebody to get what they want." Xavier said.

"But that's the thing. She's never acted like this before. She used to be so sweet and caring. I mean I thought she was there to comfort me when I was sad. Ever since we hooked up that night, she got attached to me right away and it's annoying." Clark said.

"Girls be cray cray," Xavier said.

Clark lets out a chuckle.

"You did not just say that," Clark said.

"Oh, but I did," Xavier said.

"You're really just like me, but like a mature version of me," Clark said.

"I was gonna say the same thing about you. You remind me of myself when I was your age." Xavier said.

"You could be me from the future!" Clark exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're definitely like me," Xavier said.

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