chapter 33

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After Ruby's parents left, she took a shower and brushed her teeth. She goes to the living room to watch some TV but then notices a note that was slid under her door. She picked up the note and it said:

I hope you haven't eaten yet! Meet me at Chez Abélia's for brunch at 12:00 pm! Bring your cute self!

-Your man, Clark <3

Ruby smiles at the note. She was just lucky to have him.

She picks out a cute outfit and was on her way to the restaurant.

At Chez Abélia's

"I'm glad that you came today," Clark said.

"Of course! I wouldn't pass up quality time with you." Ruby said.

"You're so cute!" Clark said.

"You're the cutest!" Ruby said.

"You just skipped a level," Clark said with a laugh.

"That was the point baby. I wanted to beat you. I always win." Ruby said with a smirk.

"You're insane Ruby," Clark said.

"Only for you!" Ruby said.

Clark leans over the table and Ruby leans in as well and pushes her lips against his for a sweet kiss.

"Your lips...they're always so soft," Clark said.

"Well, you know...I try." Ruby said.

"No seriously, what is your secret?" Clark asked.

"That's only for me sweetheart," Ruby said with a wink.

"You're such a tease," Clark said.

"But you love it," Ruby said.

"I really do. I especially love it when you tease my-"

Ruby interrupts.

"Shhh, we're in public," Ruby said.

"Oops! I guess I couldn't control myself." Clark said.

"Well you need to..or else I'll-"

Ruby stopped herself as she started to notice the people around her.

"You're gonna do what?" Clark asked.

"I'll keep it to myself," Ruby said.

"Good choice. I wouldn't want anyone to hear about our playtime." Clark said.

"Speaking of playtime, I was thinking we could do something more later on," Ruby said.

"And what do you mean by that?" Clark asked.

"I mean, I don't know why you'd stick around after the first time we had sex," Ruby said.

"Why wouldn't I? It was awesome. The flogger really did it for me." Clark said with a smirk.

"But that's the thing. The flogger and handcuffs...are not the only toys I have. Most toys I have, I don't know how you'd react to it." Ruby said.

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