chapter 40

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Ruby went home after work and decided to unwind in a nice bubble bath. She sighs out of pleasure as she soaks in the warm water. It was something she definitely needed to keep her mind off of Mandy. She was getting real riled up with her shenanigans. Her mind started to fill up with horrible thoughts about Clark. What if she can't protect him? What if he gets taken away? Does Mandy really have the guts to kill him? What if she really does have the power to manipulate him? She already knows how evil Mandy can be. But just how evil?

"She wouldn't..." Ruby said to herself.

She gets out of the bathtub, puts on her robe, and lays down in her bed. She then decides to call Clark.


C: Hello?

R: Hi babe!

C: Hi Ruby! What's up?

R: Oh nothing. What about you?

C: On my way home from class. I had quite a long day.

R: Aw, I bet. I wish I can snuggle up next to you. I've just missed you so much.

C: Oh Ruby, I miss you too, I just wish we can see each other more often but you know...I'm being watched.

R: I know, but it's for your own good. I don't want anything happening to you.

C: I know you don't. I'm very glad I have someone that cares about me.

R: You know I'm always here you for babe.

C: And I appreciate it very much!

R: And what about Xavier?

C: Xavier's been a great roommate! We actually have a lot in common.

R: See? I told you it wouldn't be that bad!

C: He's literally just like me, but like 20 years older.

R: I guess you found out your future self!

C: I sure did and I love it!

R: But even though you're spending time with him, I know that you still think of me.

C: I can hear your smirk through the phone.

R: You know me too well Clark.

C: You are so naughty Miss Ruby. Even on the phone.

R: Well we did have phone sex a couple of times. Which by the way, were you quiet enough so that Xavier wouldn't hear you?

C: I'm pretty sure I was.

R: You know, it would've been nice if you were actually here.

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