chapter 44

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"You should've never sent your friend after me."

Ruby and Xavier heard her voice close to the microphone before it was disconnected.

"Shit!" Ruby said with anger.

"Look don't panic. We're gonna find Alexa and Clark." Xavier said.

"How the fuck did she know?? Now she wants to be smart?? She has been telling Alexa her business and when we thought we found an easy solution to find her, this happens!!!" Ruby said.

"Ruby if you expect the worse, it'll happen," Xavier said.

"Well, it's almost been a week since Clark got taken away, and now Alexa's gone. I'm going to find them." Ruby said.

She grabs her jacket and heads for the door but Xavier stops her.

"No Ruby. I am not letting you go after her. Your father would have a heart attack." Xavier said.

"Well if we don't move fast, someone's gonna die and then I might just kill you," Ruby said.

"You don't mean that.....right?" Xavier asked.

Ruby gives him that look that said, "Does it look like I'm kidding?"

"Look Ruby, I understand you wanna be a hero, but I can't let you risk your life like that," Xavier said.

"Xavier, I appreciate that you and my father want to protect me, but we're making no progress," Ruby said.

"Did you forget that Alexa was being followed by my people? They'll find her immediately. And then we'll find Clark." Xavier said.

"...I just wish I could do something to help," Ruby said.

"You don't need to do anything. Just let me do my job. I mean I already have an address at Mandy's house when I tracked Alexa's phone. So, as I said, we are making progress." Xavier said.

"Okay," Ruby said.

"Now I have to make an important phone call. I'll be back." Xavier said.

He takes his phone and goes to the back. Ruby looks at his laptop and sees the address. She was breaking the rules. She was going to find Mandy if it was the last thing she did.

"2656 Simons Hollow Road, here I come," Ruby said.
Alexa was trying her best to break the windows in the basement to escape but it wasn't working.

"SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!" Alexa screamed.

"I wouldn't fight it sweetheart." the kidnapper said.

"You put me here you asshole!!!" Alexa yelled.

"I see you managed to break free from the ropes." He said.

"Well, maybe you should do a better job tying people. Amateur." Alexa said.

"You think I wanna do this?" He asked.

"Well yes!!! You work for that psycho ass bitch Mandy. She's offering something that you want." Alexa said.

"She isn't..." He said.

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