chapter 23

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10:30 pm
Ruby was living it up at Lemon and Lime. She wanted to have some fun tonight. Here she is at the bar looking at all the drunk and sweaty people on the dancefloor while they grind on each other.

"Refill?" The bartender asked.

"Yeah, keep 'em coming," Ruby said.

Just then, Ruby sees a man's hand put a credit card on the counter.

"Put it on my card." The man said.

She turns around and it's William.

"You never fail to be nice," Ruby said.

"Well, what can I say? I love treating beautiful women like you." William said.

William sits on a barstool next to her.

"So what brings you here tonight?" William asked.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing," Ruby said.

"Well, I'm not looking for any hookups," William said.

"And neither am I. I just wanted to have this time for myself." Ruby said.

"Oh. Well, I guess I'll leave you alone then." William says as he gets up to leave but Ruby softly grabs his arm.

"But you know I would love your company," Ruby said.

William smiles at her and sits back down.

"You do?" William asked.

"Of course, you're a really nice guy. Makes me wonder why you're Derrick's brother." Ruby said.

"I've been meaning to ask you that," William said.

"Ask me what? About Derrick?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah. Did he really do that to you? I mean I know he hasn't been too kind to women but I didn't think he'd go that far." William said.

"Well William, you can take it or leave it. But yes, he tried to roofie me so he can sleep with me. And he hasn't even apologized to me. I bet he told you a whole different story." Ruby said.

"Yeah, he did. He said he politely asked you out and you shut him down completely." William said.

"Well, that's bullshit," Ruby said.

"I know. Listen, I'm very sorry our date was ruined by Derrick. I didn't mean for it to go like that. I just wanted everything to be perfect." William said.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. And it wasn't completely ruined. I still had fun." Ruby said.

"You did?" William asked.

"Totally, but if you're still not happy with how it went, we can go on another date," Ruby said.

"Really?" William asked.

"Yeah, why not? You're a real cool guy." Ruby said.

"Okay! So when and where should we have our date?" William asked.

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