chapter 38

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The very next day, Ruby decided to meet up with Xavier to talk about the problem.

"I'm glad you decided to change your mind. Your father told me you had second thoughts." Xavier said.

"I'm not gonna lie, I did. But it's not because I questioned your skills. I'm just worried that Mandy will still find a way to get to him." Ruby said.

"You don't have to worry about anything. I will protect him no matter what and if worse comes to worst, I'll track her down. And on top of that, there's another case that needs solving. Well, it hasn't been solved for 6 years and I intend on getting it done." Xavier said.

"Wow. 6 years? And you haven't given up on it? You're so optimistic." Ruby said.

"Well, I try to keep a positive attitude. Like you should have a positive attitude about this situation. Now tell me what's been going on lately." Xavier said.

"Okay well, I believe that my boyfriend Clark is being stalked by this girl. And I know it's because she's mad that he's with me and not her. First, she sends a threatening letter to him and then yesterday she called me, trying to threaten me as well. And her next move could be kidnapping him, kidnapping me, or just killing us both." Ruby said.

"I've dealt with many problems like this. I know for a fact she won't go after you. She's the type of person to say, "If I can't have you, no one can." She wants to put the hurt on Clark to punish you eternally." Xavier said.

"You're right. I don't want to speak this into existence, but what if she does find a way to get him?" Ruby asked.

"Just leave everything to me, Miss Anderson. Don't you worry your head about this." Xavier said.

"Okay, Mr. Xavier. I'm trusting you on this." Ruby said.

"Please, just call me Xavier. Anyone that's part of Johnathan's family is family to me." Xavier said.

Ruby hugs Xavier.

"Thank you, Xavier," Ruby said.

"Now where does this man live so I can watch over him?" Xavier asked.

"Literally in the same building as me and he lives a few doors down from me," Ruby said,

"Oh, well that's a first," Xavier said with a chuckle.

"I know right? It's crazy!" Ruby said.

"Okay well, you tell him that I will be at his place tonight," Xavier said.

"Will do! And once again, thank you so much." Ruby said.

"You're welcome, Miss Anderson," Xavier said.

"Just call me Ruby," Ruby said.


At Ruby's apartment

"Clark? Clark are you here?" Ruby asked.

Clark comes out of the bedroom, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Yeah..." Clark said.

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