chapter 36

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Clark was walking home from class and notices a familiar face near a local bar.

"Alexa? Is that you?" Clark asked.

"Oh my god! Hi Clark! I'm glad I could bump into you." Alexa said.

"Yeah me too! I haven't seen you in a while." Clark said.

"I know right? It's crazy! Are you busy right now?" Alexa asked.

"No. I just finished my classes. Why?" Clark asked.

"Well, Trevor and I were hanging out if you wanna join," Alexa said.

"That'd be great! Lead the way!" Clark said.

Alexa leads Clark to a private table and she and Trevor had.

"Who's your friend?" Trevor asked.

"Trevor, this is Clark. The man that Ruby's been seeing and is now dating!" Alexa said.

"She told you?" Clark asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't she? I've been keeping track of you two!" Alexa said.

"Ohhh so you're the mystery man. Congrats man! She's a very good woman." Trevor said.

"Trust me...I know." Clark said with a smirk.

"Oh shit!! Y'all been fucking?" Trevor asked.

"Y-yeah...we have," Clark said while blushing.

"Look at you!!! I know you guys be having a really interesting time in the bedroom." Alexa said.

"We really do," Clark said.

"Well, I'm just glad that Ruby found someone to melt her cold heart," Trevor said.

"Hey! She did not have a cold heart. Just stubborn." Alexa said.

"Actually, she is right. She was a little stubborn until I came along." Clark said.

"And thank god you did! I thought she was never gonna meet somebody." Trevor said.

"Well, I'm glad I could break the cycle," Clark said.

"I am too!" Trevor said.

"Yeah, it's been a long time since I've seen her happy with anybody!" Alexa said.

"Really?" Clark asked.

"Yes! Even before she told me about you guys, she acted all cheerful all of a sudden." Alexa said.

"Oh wow. I guess I really did make a change." Clark said.

"And we thank you for that! And on that note, I'm going to the bathroom." Trevor said.

"Okay! Don't take forever babe!" Alexa said.

"Okay, darling." Trevor mocked.

Alexa laughs as he walks away. She then turns to Clark with a serious look.

"Listen, I know everything. About how you confessed your love to Ruby, how she avoided you, how you slept with another girl to keep your mind off of her, how you got together, and how Mandy has been manipulating you. I know it all Clark. I spoke to her at my salon the other day. She had no idea I was Ruby's best friend and she started spilling the tea, Clark. She told me how you were so upset when Ruby stopped talking to you and that she never loved you in the first place. And that she was just using you as a fuck toy. It was just so pathetic. She's making Ruby sound like a monster." Alexa said.

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